☂︎ CHAPTER TEN :: someone to fight with ☂︎

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"What the fuck are you doing here?" Taehyung fixated his glare on the ravenette who was still processing everything he just heard, "I-" Jimin trailed off, "I need to go!" He yelled as he ran away from Taehyung. He dashed to the lockers, but before he could go any farther, someone grabbed his arm, slamming him against the lockers with great force.

He winced slightly and glanced up to see Taehyung towering over him, a glare on his face. Jimin gripped his material fabrics closely, as the younger terrified him at the moment, "Y-You are s-scaring me. . ." He mumbled. Taehyung gritted his teeth, and slammed his hands on the lockers, causing Jimin to flinch.

He'd seen Taehyung become angry before, but not like this. He felt as if he'd be scorched if he looked at his eyes, so he fixed his gaze on the ground, "Come with me," Taehyung spoke sternly before seizing Jimin's wrist, yanking him out of there as Jimin grasped his wrist, wincing, but Taehyung dragged him to the rooftop nevertheless.

He shoved Jimin against the railing. Jimin held his wrist, looking at the red mark that was forming on his wrist. He looked up at Taehyung, "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Taehyung glared at him, "NO, I MEAN, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Taehyung shouted on the top of his lungs, making Jimin wince again.

"Why would you eavesdrop on someone else's conversation when it wasn't your fucking business?!" Taehyung kept going, burning holes in Jimin's head, as Jimin stared at him with hazy eyes. Jimin isn't sure why he feels like crying, but Taehyung's yelling is too much for him.

"Just who the fuck do you think you are? huh? You passed judgement on me that day, labeling me as a damn monster, and now what? You've started meddling in my life, haven't you?" Taehyung stood so close to Jimin that he visibly felt smothered. He brought his hands to the blonde chest and pushed him away, and Taehyung lurched backwards, "WILL YOU FUCKING STOP SHOUTING?!"

Taehyung seemed unaffected by the elder's outburst and showed no signs of cooling down, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I just happened to listen! that's just it!"

Taehyung sniggered, "Happened to? Haven't your parents taught you not to meddle in other people's affairs?"

"Don't bring my parents into this, Kim Taehyung! This is between you and me! Why the hell are you bringing them into it?" Taehyung let out a frustrating sigh, "If you ever utter a word about this to anyone. . . I mean anyone, I don't know what the fuck I'll do to you, Park Jimin. Stay in your fucking limits!" With that, Taehyung turned to leave when Jimin stopped him, "Wait"

"What?!" Taehyung growled, clearly not wanting to talk further, Jimin features softened as he walked to Taehyung, "I'm sorry," Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "Stop it! I don't want your fucking pity." Jimin rolled his eyes, "It's not pity, Taehyung. I apologize for alluding to you as a monster that day. Now that I think about it, you should've just killed him that day."

"What?" Taehyung anger was replaced with confusion, "Hey, are you deaf or something? Pretty sure you heard me."

"What's the matter with you? Don't tell me you'll be good to me since you know about my father. If that's the case, You can fuck yourself"

"Oh hell no, I still hate you the same." Jimin sniggered, "But don't die, otherwise I won't have someone to fight with." With that, Jimin walked away, leaving a confused Taehyung behind. Taehyung pulled his hair in frustration.

Jimin went to his normal hangout spot, the ground. He was not in the mood for his lessons, so he skipped the first one. He stepped down to the ground, but was surprised to see Yoongi seated on the step, his face buried in his hands. He sighed and moved over to the man with ink hair., "Yoongi."

The said male looked up, "Jimin," He acknowledged him. Jimin placed the bag down and sat next to Yoongi, "Are you okay?" He heard Yoongi sigh next to him, "You heard us." Jimin nodded, biting his lips, "I'm sorry, I just happened to. You guys were pretty loud."

"Don't be, it's my fault anyway even though he told me not to talk about this in school, I did. . . I was just worried." Jimin nodded and placed his hands on his shoulder, "I understand. If this happened to Jungkook, I would be worried as well."

Silence fell on both boys as they observed the empty ground, one side Jimin was feeling guilty for making Taehyung's life at school a living hell by flinging insults when he already had a tough life, but for some reason, he was also worried about him. Yoongi, on the other side, felt too many emotions: rage, hurt, guilt, worthless, and helpless.

Angry at Taehyung for not allowing him to help him, hurt because every day he sees his friend come to school with new bruises, guilty because even though he could do something, he couldn't, absolutely worthless because he can't save his best friend, helpless because he can't do anything but sit and pray that Taehyung will be alive the next day.

"I saw him dragging you, was he harsh on you?" Yoongi finally spoke up, breaking the silence. Jimin shrugged, "This is Taehyung we are talking about, of course he was harsh but nothing I couldn't handle" Yoongi chuckled next to him, "He used to be a huge softie when he was actually a kid." Jimin rolled his eyes, "Perhaps to you, but not to me. He actually continued doing ridiculous pranks on me, and one day he even shoved me into the mud. You know what I mean? That's not really soft."

A small laugh left his lips, "Why do you both hate each other?" Jimin shrugged, "Now that I think about it, I'm not sure why, but it was my first day of kindergarten, as well as his, and I was crying, so our kindergarten teacher gave me a chocolate to try to get me to stop crying, but Taehyung snatched it from me, and I suppose it all started from there."

"Seriously? I expected it to be something serious." Jimin leaned back, "After that day, he began to play pranks on me, and I reciprocated; simple pranks escalated into insults, and we soon couldn't bear each other." Yoongi nodded, staring at the ground once again. Jimin spoke up once again, "You know, Yoongi. . ." He trailed off, the elder turned to him with his eyebrows raised.

"All this time I thought he was just being a dick for absolute no reason. . . but little did I know, he really had a rough life"


1142 words. 


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