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The one thing people don't want to do is live with regrets, yet we all end up regretting something in some way, right? We all end up regretting something in the end, but what's the purpose of regretting something that's already been done? It's not like you can turn back the clock. If it's done, it's done, and there's nothing we can do but wish we could do it differently, just like Taehyung desires right now.

His regrets? He has many regrets, but one of his biggest is running away when he met his brother after 8 years. He truly wanted to meet his brother, it was the one thing he had longed for in these eight years, so why? What made him run away? Running away from his problems is something he despises. Thinking that he's done just that irritates him to no end. If only he had the ability to rewind time.

He sighed and exited the Gucci shop. It was a Sunday, and Jimin was busy rehearsing for a dance competition the next day, so he couldn't hang out with him. Jungkook and Yoongi went on a date - yes, there was a lot going on between Yoongi and Jungkook. Even Taehyung was surprised when Yoongi informed him that he liked Jungkook, but he was glad for him in either way. He had nothing to do and being at home with nothing to do was really dull - his mind began to stray into his past and he didn't want to think about it, so he decided to go shopping as a way to pass the time.

But he felt weird because someone was following him and what annoyed him was - he knew exactly who was following him. Taehyung is not dumb so of course he noticed who it was. He could actually confront him, but he was just waiting for him to show his face. Finally, he grew tired of it and turned around, "Seriously? You are following me now?" The guy eyes widened as he immediately pulled his hood and turned around to walk away.

"How long are you going to run away, Jin hyung?" The said male eyes widened, "Turn around, I know it's you." Jin bit his lips as he hesitantly turned around. A small sigh escaped Taehyung lips as he slowly walked toward Seokjin, "Let's talk somewhere else, it's too crowded here." Taehyung grabbed his hands and started dragging him away and Jin let him to drag him wherever he wants to go.

He was pulled to the park where he confronted Taehyung about two weeks ago. Taehyung set his shopping bags down and sat on the bench. Jin sighed as he came up to Taehyung's seat.

None of the boys said anything as Taehyung stared at the ground while Jin was playing with his fingers. Taehyung grew restless due to the silence. He brought him here to talk then why is he not saying anything?

"I know a simple apology won't make up for all the years, but. . . I'm still sorry, I shouldn't have left you eight years ago." Jin finally got the courage to speak, but he was scared, "As much as I want to hate you for leaving, I can't." Jin turned his head to side to look at Taehyung, his eyes wide slightly, feeling the elder gaze on him, Taehyung looked at him as well, "Maybe I would've hated you if we didn't have an abusive father."

"You don't hate me. . .?" Jin voice was barely above a whisper, but Taehyung heard it either way, "How can I hate you? I know it was hard for you, just like it was me, just like it was for mom. It's not really your fault," a stray tear fell from Jin eyes, "I shouldn't have left you-"

A small smile made its way to Taehyung lips, "It's okay, it doesn't matter, all matters is you are here right now." Jin started feeling even more guilty. He really didn't expect the younger to forgive him easily, "How hard was it?"

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐈𝐑𝐄 | 𝐕𝐌𝐈𝐍 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now