☂︎ CHAPTER THIRTY SEVEN :: it's okay ☂︎

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Jimin had skipped school for a week and hadn't even left his room since that day. His mother was worried and repeatedly knocked on the door, but Jimin refused to come out. Even Jungkook and Yoongi stopped by and tried to talk to him from outside the door, but all they got was 'leave me the fuck alone'. It grieved Jungkook to see Jimin in this condition; Jimin was the boy who usually had a smile on his face, and seeing him in this situation made Jungkook feel like shit.

He also felt bad. He was the one who kept encouraging Jimin to go for Taehyung, but he never expected Taehyung to break Jimin so bad. It really made him hate Taehyung for doing this to Jimin.

Yoongi, on the other side. . . he was confused. He was not only worried about Jimin but also about Taehyung. No matter how much, he fought with younger. Taehyung was still his best friend. He couldn't bring himself to hate him. Taehyung was the only person who was there for him whenever he was having hard times. . . of course, he can't just throw him away just like that.

Yoongi has been watching Taehyung at school. Yoongi would be lying if he said Taehyung looked good. Taehyung came to school every day, bruised and battered. He appears to have reverted to street fighting. Taehyung reverted to his old habits, yelling at everybody who approaches him. Yoongi was shattered. He can't help but wonder why Taehyung is so downcast. This is what he desired: to see Jimin in pain. Why is he so unhappy right now? He should be content.

Hoseok knew what was going on with Taehyung because after that day Jin brought Taehyung to Hoseok house because he didn't want Taehyung to be alone anymore. Not after he caught the younger trying to kill himself. After so much talking, Taehyung finally told Jin and Hoseok about Dae hyun blackmailing him, about how he made him to break up with Jimin. Everything. Hoseok really felt bad for the boy, he was just 17, and he has to go through a lot already.

"Damn Kim Taehyung, I seriously want to kill him." Jungkook spoke harshly, prodding his meal with a chopstick. Hoseok exhaled a sigh. Since they arrived at the cafeteria, he had been listening to Yoongi and Jungkook disparage Taehyung. He was resisting disclosing the truth because he had promised Taehyung that he would not divulge the truth to anyone.

He finally had it as he slammed his hands on the table, he stood up, grabbing his lunchbox. Both Yoongi and Jungkook looked at him, a little shocked, "I'm done with both of you. You can't keep slandering Taehyung if you don't know the complete story. I'm just saying, if you find out the truth, you could feel awful, you know?"

Jungkook scoffed, "Whatever reason he cites, it isn't acceptable. He broke Jimin so bad. He won't even come out of his room! All because of that pathetic piece of shit called Taehyung!" Jungkook shouted, standing up, gaining the whole cafeteria attention. Hoseok clenched his fist in anger while Yoongi stood up as well, "Jungkook. Reduce your voice. Do you want the whole school to know?"

"Let them know! Let them know how shitty person Taehyung actually is!" Jungkook shouted, "He fucking played my best friend, Yoongi! and here is Hoseok finding excuses for that asshole. Just because he got abused by his father doesn't mean he gets to act like an asshole!" He shouted. Gasps could be heard around the cafeteria. Hoseok grabbed his collar, "You fucking asshole! That was not your story to tell!"

Yoongi ran to them and tried to pull Hoseok back. Hoseok scoffed, letting Jungkook go as he shoved Yoongi away, "You!" He pointed to Yoongi, "Aren't you his best friend? Don't you always say that you know him the best? huh? Do you really think Taehyung is kind of person to play with people feelings? You know nothing, Min Yoongi. You won't know unless you go and talk to him like a civil human being. I'm pretty sure he'll tell you because he considers you as his own brother!"

Yoongi bit his lips and looked away and Hoseok averted his attention to Jungkook who was looking at the ground, "You just said a part of his sensitive past to this whole damn school. He's going to come to know about this, because you see, this is high school. . . stuffs like this spread like wildfire. You told me that I'm giving excuses for his behavior, fine I'm not, let's say he's an asshole, but what do you think you are doing? You are being an asshole too. You think Jimin would want you to do this, Jungkook?"

Hoseok was not the one to be pissed off easily, he was always the calming one. . . but this time he was pissed, really pissed. Both Taehyung and Jimin are already going through a lot, Hoseok don't think that they both can handle the rumors. Hoseok sighed when he looked at Jungkook's guilty eyes, "You will feel bad for this, when you come to know the truth, Jungkook. You too, Yoongi. Mark my words." With that he grabbed the lunch bag and stormed out of the cafeteria.

Yoongi sighed and looked at Jungkook, "Do you really have to tell the whole school about his abuse, Jungkook? You know how he was about people knowing about this. Now the whole school knew about it. That was really uncalled-for," Yoongi grabbed his lunch box and looked at everyone, "What the hell are you all staring at? Show's over!" He shouted before storming out. A single tear slid down Jungkook face. What have I done?

Hoseok made his way to the ground because he knows that's where he can find Taehyung. Hoseok hated the fact that life was so harsh to Taehyung, but so were people. He walked to the ground to find the younger sitting alone on the step, holding the lunch box in his hands, which remained untouched.  Hoseok sighed, seeing that Taehyung hadn't been eating well this week. He approached the younger and sat next to him, laying the lunch box on his lap, capturing Taehyung's attention.

"Hoseok? What are you doing here?" Hoseok shrugged, "I thought I'll have lunch with you. Being in the cafeteria is annoying. Too much people, you know?" Taehyung chuckled slightly, "You are telling me that you, who love socializing, came out here to sit with me because there were too many people in the cafeteria? Joke of the year. Tell me the truth now." Hoseok sighed. Sometimes he really hates how Taehyung can detect a lie.

Hoseok shrugged, "Yoongi and Jungkook were annoying." Taehyung understood about what Hoseok meant by annoying, "You know, it's okay. I hurt their friend so bad. Of course, they are going to curse me out." Hoseok shook his head, "But Jungkook crossed the line, he exposed about your ab-" Hoseok shut up, after realizing what he was about to say. Taehyung raised his eyebrows, "Exposed about what?" Hoseok gave him an awkward chuckle, "Hah, nothing!"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Just tell me." Hoseok sighed in defeat. Taehyung is going to find out either way-- either by him or by the murmurs. So what's the point of hiding it? He turned to the younger, "Jungkook exposed about your abuse to the whole school." Taehyung eyes widened slightly, "He was just angry, Taehyung. He was angry that you hurt Jimin, it wasn't his intention to do that, so don't do anything irrational-"

"It's okay," Taehyung cut him off while Hoseok looked at him with his eyes wide, "I deserve it. I deserve all the pain." He chuckled painfully, "I deserve all of their hate after what I did to Jimin. . ." Hoseok shook his head, "Tae, don't be so hard on yourself. You had no choice-"

"Stop defending me, Hoseok!" Taehyung raised his voice slightly, "It's my fault! You can't change that, no one can. I shouldn't have dragged Jimin on my life from the beginning. I should have pushed him away from the very start, I should've continued to hate him when I know my life is full of danger, but no! I let myself be vulnerable! I let him in my life. I put his life in danger and at the end I broke him. It's completely my fault. No one else's, and I deserve way worse!"

Hoseok listened to the younger words. It pained him to see Taehyung beating himself over it. Taehyung buried his face in his hands, "I shouldn't have fallen in love with him"


1464 words.


I'm so sorry for this, once again!

1466 words.

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