☂︎ CHAPTER THIRTY ONE :: forever ☂︎

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Warning: Loads of fluff ahead :<

"Seriously? Do you know what time it is?" Taehyung spoke on his phone, letting out a sigh. It was 11 P.M and Jimin called Taehyung because he had the urge to eat ice cream, and he wanted Taehyung to come along with him, but Taehyung was really feeling lazy to do so.

"Oh, come on, Taehyung, please? pretty please?" Jimin whined, but it didn't faze the younger, "No, Jimin. It's late, it can be dangerous." Jimin sighed on the other side, suddenly an idea popped into his mind, smirking, he held the phone closer to his ears, "Fine, I'll take Taemin with me"

Taehyung sat up on his bed, suddenly growing alert, "Okay, who the fuck is this Taemin now?" Jimin covered his mouth as he let out a small laugh, "He's just a really close friend of mine" He pressed the word close, finding himself smirking. On the other hand, Taehyung started feeling uneasy about this Taemin guy, "Anyway, we will be going to an ice cream stall near my house, if you want to join us."

"Hey- Jimin!" Taehyung called out, but the line went dead. He groaned, pulling out his hair in frustration, "This boy is going to be the death of me." He mumbled as he got off the bed and grabbed his hoodie. There is no way he's going to let Jimin be with some guy alone at night. Not that he didn't trust Jimin, he didn't trust the other guy.

He walked out and got on his car and drove to Jimin house, he pulled the car in front of Jimin house, He got out and looked around to find any ice cream stall, he locked the car and started walking, more like running, looking out for any ice cream stall on the street. Finally, when he saw one, he immediately ran toward it. He smiled at the man, "Um, do you happen to see a short guy? with black hair?" Before the man could answer, "I'm not short, you fucking dumbass!" The mint haired turned to the side to find Jimin sitting on the bench, holding a cone ice cream.

"Never mind, I found him." He bowed his head to the man, who nodded back in reply. Taehyung walked to Jimin and sat next to him, "Where is this Taemin guy, huh?" Jimin smiled sheepishly, "You really thought I'd bring him, huh?" He started laughing at the end as Taehyung looked at him confusingly, "Oh come on, Taehyung. That was lie! I know you would come because you get jealous easily!"

Taehyung parted his lips in shock, Him? Jealous? As if! The mint haired scoffed, "You are lucky I like you, or I'd have killed you!" Jimin nudged him using his elbows, "Oh please Taehyung, you can't kill me, you will miss me if you do." Taehyung rolled his eyes, "You wish," Truth to be told, he would miss Jimin if he was dead. Fuck-- he can't even imagine him dead, if Jimin dies, he'll lose all the colors on his life that Jimin painted his life with, but he doesn't have to know that, does he? Plus, he loves teasing the elder.

Jimin looked at him, his lips parted in shock, "You are mean! Fuck off!" He said as he stood up and started walking away to the park nearby. A small chuckle left Taehyung lips as he stood up and followed him, "Jimin-ah. . ." He called out, still chuckling but the elder ignored him, continuing to walk, "Jiminiee~" He called out again as Jimin rolled his eyes, "Jiminiepabo," He tried once again, "Go away!" He muttered.

After a few minutes he walked to the park and turned around, but he couldn't find Taehyung. He parted his lips in shock. He stomped his foot on the ground like a kid throwing a temper tantrum, "This fucking idiot seriously left! How fucking rude can he be?!" Sighing, he turned around, feeling a sudden sadness washing over him.

How could he leave like that? Yes, I told him to go! But he's meant to give it his all! What a fucking jerk!

"Jiminie." He felt himself smiling when he heard a deep voice behind him, but he bit his lips to hide it, telling himself to be angry. He turned back, preparing to shout, but his rage quickly faded as he spotted Taehyung on his knees, holding up a little flower he gathered from the ground, with a slight smile on his face.

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