☂︎ CHAPTER FORTY EIGHT :: our spot ☂︎

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"Jimin!" Jimin was washing his hands on the boy's restroom, when he heard Jungkook calling him. He closed the tap and turned around to find Jungkook trying to catch his breath, worry written on his face, "Jungkook?"

"You need to come with me now!" He shouted, grabbing Jimin hands and started dragging him, but Jimin tugged him back, "Tell me what happened first." Jungkook sighed, "It's Taehyung. . . he--" Jimin was swept with worry as soon as the name left Jungkook mouth, "What about Taehyung?"

"Yoongi, Taehyung and I were hanging out on the rooftop, but Dong sun showed up, and he started saying shit about you and. . . his father abuse and Taehyung lost it. He is beating him up and it looks he is going to kill him, Jimin. We tried to stop him, but he won't. Stop him, Jimin." The raven-haired wasted no time and sprinted out of the washroom and made his way to the rooftop, pushing past the students, followed by Jungkook.

Jimin walked into the rooftop to find Taehyung holding Dong sun by his collar, against the railing as if he's going to push him off. Jimin looked at Dong Sun, who was coughing up blood and had a bloody face. Jimin diverted his gaze from Taehyung, who appeared enraged. Jimin sighed and dashed over to Taehyung, attempting to yank him off, "Taehyung, let go off him." He spoke in a stern voice, but Taehyung just shoved Jimin away, who stumbled back.

Using all the strength he had, Jimin successfully pushed Taehyung back. Dong sun immediately fell to the ground, breathing hard. Taehyung glared at Jimin, "I don't want to hurt you, Jimin. Step aside." 

He talked through clenched teeth, which alarmed Yoongi and Jungkook, but Jimin remained unafraid since he knows Taehyung will never hurt him, "No, Taehyung. You need to calm the fuck down!"

"You are just going to end up like your father, Kim Taehyung." Dong sun laughed, wiping the blood off his mouth. Jimin clenched his fist. Taehyung lunged forward but once again Jimin pulled him back by wrapping his arms around Taehyung waist, "Taehyung no. Stop it!"

Dong sun laughed sarcastically, "How pathetic. You think Jimin loves you, huh? He will leave you, and you are going to end up all alone." Taehyung kept struggling, "Let me go, Jimin! I SAID, LET ME GO!" He yelled, but Jimin only tightened his grip on Taehyung. Jimin gently reached out for Taehyung's clenched fist and began stroking his hands, "It's okay. Don't listen to him. This is exactly what he wants. Don't give in to him."

"No wonder why your father beat you up. You deserve it." 

Dong sun spat out. Jimin desperately wanted to punch him, but now was not the time; he needed to remain calm for Taehyung. He looked up at Taehyung who was glaring Dong sun. Jimin cupped his face and made him look at him, "Look at me and only me, got it?" Taehyung stare was still hard, "Count with me backward from 10, yeah?" Taehyung tried to push Jimin away but failed, "10," Jimin began counting as he took Taehyung's hands and put them on Jimin's chest, leading the younger to feel his heartbeat.

"9" Taehyung gritted his teeth in anger, "8" Jimin continued counting, holding Taehyung in place, "7" Taehyung let out heavy breaths as Jimin gently stroked his cheeks with his fingers, "6" Taehyung stare slightly softened, "5" Jimin stood on his toes and pressed a soft kiss on Taehyung temples, "4" He could feel the tension washing away from Taehyung body, "3" Taehyung closed his eyes and brought his other hand up and placed it on top of Jimin hands, "2" The red haired took a deep breath and opened his eyes, "1" Jimin finished.

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