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5 days passed since that incident, Taehyung refused to talk about what happened that day which wasn't new for Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook because they know how closed Taehyung actually is so they stopped pushing it, hoping Taehyung will tell them when he's actually ready. 

A small yawn left Jimin lips as Jimin and Jungkook walked in the hallways, on their way to their lockers, "I swear I hate monday's," Jimin groaned while Jungkook kissed his teeth, "Welcome to the club, Park Jimin." 

Jimin let out a sarcastic laugh, "Oh please, I'm the CEO of the club" Jimin rolled his eyes, earning a giggle from the brunet next to him. Jimin eyebrows perked up when he heard the murmurs around him. 

"Have you seen Taehyung today?" 

"God he looked so hot." 

"His hairstyle though." 

Jimin turned to Jungkook who also seemed to have heard the murmurs, "They see Taehyung on a daily basis, so why are they acting as if this is the first time they've seen him?" Jungkook threw his arms around Jimin, "You see, I came to school with you now, how am I supposed to know?" 

Jimin rolled his eyes as they both walked to their lockers, keeping their stuffs in.


"I'll see you later?" Jungkook nodded and waved as they parted ways. Jimin sighed and made his way to his first class, maths - the subject he hates but the thought of seeing Taehyung made him feel giddy for some reason. Why? He have no idea. 

He walked leisurely to the  class, but as soon as he made it to class, he halted on his track and his eyes instantly widened slightly. There was two things that had him in shock. One was that, Taehyung was early to class and was already in his seat, leaning back on the bench and tapping a pencil on the table. The second thing? Taehyung looked so different today. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and black leather jacket, but what attracted his attention was that Taehyung's hair was no longer blonde, but mint, and it was a tangle, which complemented his tan skin well.

Jimin was enthralled, and it would be a lie to claim he wasn't. His gaze remained fixed on Taehyung. Jimin has always thought Taehyung is hot, even when he used to despise him, but looking at him now, with his mint hair, he appears ethereal.

This is what everyone was talking about. . .

His cheeks started turning red when Taehyung locked his eyes with Jimin. A small smirk started dancing on Taehyung lips when he caught Jimin staring at him. Jimin mentally slapped himself for staring as he slowly made his way to his place next to Taehyung's. 

He pulled his seat back and sat on it, trying his very best to avoid eye contact's with Taehyung who's eyes was following every move of Jimin, carefully. Jimin eyes widened when Taehyung pulled his cheeks, "You look cute when you blush," Jimin instantly swatted his hand away, his heart skipping a beat. 

He turned to the mint haired guy next to him, "I'm not cute and I'm not blushing, you dumbass!" A small chuckle rumbled from Taehyung throat as he leaned closer toward Jimin ear, "Your red cheeks are saying something different, Jiminie."  Taehyung warm breath fell on Jimin ear, making his heart race if it wasn't already.

"H-Hey! What are you talking a-about?" He blurted out. He pushed Taehyung away because he was afraid his heart might explode since he was so close. Taehyung chuckled as he shook his head slightly. Warmth poured through his heart when he looked at Taehyung, who was laughing. He enjoyed seeing the younger being carefree, lively, and laughing.

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