☂︎ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN :: one day ☂︎

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"You love flowers, eh?" Jimin was startled by the abrupt voice, and as he turned around, he saw Taehyung standing a few feet away, hands in his pockets, his dirty blonde hair hiding his eyes somewhat. Jimin rested his hands on his chest, "Hey! you scared me!" Taehyung chuckled and made his way to Jimin and kneeled down "Sorry."

Jimin chuckled, looking back at the flowers, "Isn't it beautiful?" Taehyung shrugged, "Eh, not really," the raven-haired male looked at Taehyung in disbelief, "Seriously?" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "It's too colorful and I hate colors."

"No wonder why your life doesn't have colors," Jimin immediately regretted after the words left his lips. He meant it playfully, but what if Taehyung takes it seriously? He immediately looked at Taehyung who had a blank face, "Taehyung I-I'm so-"

"Shush," Taehyung placed his finger on his mouth, "It's okay, I mean you ain't wrong." A small chuckle left his lips, "I guess I never really tried to paint my life with colors." Jimin smiled, "Well, you can do it starting from now, It's never too late."

Taehyung nodded, "Maybe," He stood up and walked to the bench and sat down as Jimin stood up and followed him as well, "Why don't you tell me something about yourself and I'll tell you something about me?" Taehyung asked while Jimin sat down, "There is nothing interesting about me."

Taehyung chuckled, "Nah, I find you pretty interesting. Be glad, I don't find many people interesting." Jimin smiled next to him, "Oh shut up, What do you want to know about me?" Taehyung shrugged, "I don't want to overstep my boundaries, so tell me whatever you are comfortable with me knowing."

"How considerate," A small chuckle escaped Jimin lips, while Taehyung just shrugged, "Well, I had a pretty good childhood, to be honest, amazing friend, loving parents. Well that was until I turned thirteen. . ." He trailed off as Taehyung stared at Jimin, who had a frown imprinted on his lips, and for some reason, Taehyung despised seeing the frown on his lips, despite the fact that he had adored seeing Jimin frown just a few weeks before. But now he simply wanted to erase the frown off his face, but he let Jimin speak since Taehyung felt he needed to talk about it.

"My father started to come home intoxicated, and I frequently witnessed my parents arguing. I had never seen them fight, they used to be so loving to each other, so it was strange seeing them fight, and it persisted, and their conflicts intensified till one day, dad just left without saying anything, he just abandoned us." Taehyung frowned as he scooted closer to Jimin, "Turns out he owed money to many people, so many dangerous guys started showing up on our doors asking for money, mom was really so heartbroken and the financial crisis didn't help either."

Jimin sighed and ran his hands on his hair, pulling it up, "My mother began overworking herself to pay back the money that father owed, she used to come home late, she frequently fainted due to overworking - it was heartbreaking to see her like that, I was only 13 at the time so I didn't know what to do - I was really helpless but eventually she paid back all the money. We are still struggling with the money, but not as bad as before, so yeah it's all good now."

Taehyung didn't know what to say that could possibly comfort Jimin, but he really wanted to say something - anything, because he really hated the frown that adored Jimin's lips, but what good would words do? they are just words. That's all. Mere words. People could lie using words, and Taehyung didn't want Jimin to think he was giving him false hope, so he slowly rose his hands up and ruffled Jimin's hair, making Jimin heart to race on his chest. 

Jimin slowly raised his head and met Taehyung gaze. For the first time in knowing Taehyung, he saw the softness in his eyes and it was that softness that made Jimin heart grew warm and as if in an instinct, his lips pulled up into a faint smile.

"It turns out we really have something in common, huh?" Taehyung spoke up while Jimin raised his eyebrows in confusion, "What is?" Taehyung chuckled and retreated his hands from Jimin hair, "Having a shitty father," Jimin chuckled as well, "I can't agree more to that."

"It's your turn," Jimin said and Taehyung hummed in reply, "What do you want to know?" Jimin looked at Taehyung, "Like you said, anything you are comfortable in me knowing." Taehyung leaned back on his seat, "I don't know what to say, so just ask me anything." Jimin rolled his eyes, and tried to think about something.

"Why did you leave a year back?"

Jimin regretted the question when he saw the younger growing tense next to him. Taehyung shifted his gaze away from Jimin and onto the ground. Taehyung began to bite his bottom lips at the memories. Jimin inwardly smacked himself for posing that question to him.

All Taehyung could see was a knife, blood, and her mother's lifeless body - her final words echoing in his brain - and it was becoming too much for Taehyung to bear, "Hey -- it's okay, you don't have to talk about it." Jimin said as soon as he saw Taehyung trembling hands.

Taehyung looked at Jimin, really thankful that he interrupted him before he gets too deep in his head and do something stupid, "I'm sorry I-" Jimin shook his head, "Sh it's okay, I'm not going to force you into telling me -- tell me when you are ready"

"One day"


974 words.

Double update? Yes heh.

I hope you liked this chapter <3


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