☂︎ CHAPTER SIXTY :: i'm fine ☂︎

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"Taehyung!" Jimin sat up on his bed, gasping, his entire body was shuddering. He glanced around and acknowledged he was in his room. He reached out for the glass of water on the night table, yet his shaking hands couldn't hold it appropriately, and the glass sneaked off his grasp, breaking into pieces as it tumbled to the floor. Sighing, he leaned his head back on the headboard of the bed, not caring to stop the tears that were tumbling from his eyes.

It's been two weeks since the boys returned from Daegu. Truly, things were improving between Jimin and Taehyung, way better. Taehyung began being more open about how he feels and pretty much the entirety of his issues, which Jimin truly appreciated. About the rumor? None of the boys cared anymore, they were excessively centered around one another to do as such.

Everything was perfect, that was until now. Jimin awoke from a terrifying nightmare that scares the shit out of him. Despite the fact that it was a nightmare, it felt real. He needed to see Taehyung. He needs to know he's okay. He cautiously moved his shaking hands to the nightstand, trying to find his phone in the darkness, and when he did, he dialed Taehyung's number and placed it on his ears, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

Taehyung picked up after 4 rings, "Hello?" His voice came out groggy, a little sleepy. As much as Jimin felt bad for disturbing his sleep, he felt happy to hear his voice, to know he's alive. It's just a nightmare, it won't happen in real life, right? 

"Jimin?"  Taehyung called out, but Jimin was unable to reply. He was afraid his voice would crack. The last thing he wants is for his boyfriend to be worried about him, "Jimin, is everything okay? It's literally 3 am right now." Jimin's lips trembled as he gripped his phone closely, "Ta-Taehyung. . ." he tried to form a word, but his voice cracked, failing him.

"Wait. . . Are you crying?" Jimin closed his eyes, as tears rolled down his cheeks, not wanting to stop, "N-No." He could hear shuffling from the Taehyung side, "Come outside and wait for me, I'll be there in ten minutes." 

"You. . . don't have to--" But Taehyung already hanged up. Jimin threw his phone on the bed as he got off the bed and walked outside his room and made his way to the main door, he opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him. He was embraced by the cool breeze as soon as he stepped outside, and he wrapped his arms around him.

Just like Taehyung told him, he came to Jimin's home in 10 minutes. When Jimin saw Taehyung get out of his car, he rushed toward him and circled his arms around him, catching Taehyung off guard as he staggered back a little, supporting Jimin in his arms. Jimin heaved out a sigh of relief as he inhaled the younger sweet fragrance and buried his face on Taehyung shoulder, tightening his hold around him. 

Taehyung, who was completely worried about him, held him in his arms as much as tightly, and rubbed his back, gingerly, mumbling the words, 'I'm here' over and over again as if it's a chant. Suddenly, he noticed that Jimin was not wearing his jacket. He drew back and glanced at Jimin, who lowered his gaze to the ground. Taehyung let out a slight sigh as he unzipped his hoodie, removing it from him and wrapping it around Jimin. The said male raised his head to look at him. "What about you?" Taehyung ruffled his hair, "Don't worry, I won't get cold."

Taehyung placed his hands on Jimin's waist and swept him off the ground as if he were a feather, making him to sit on the car hood, Jimin placed his hands on Taehyung shoulder, letting out a small gasp. Taehyung smiled slightly and pushed the hair strands to the side, while Jimin gaze was fixed on Taehyung, "I'm sorry for waking you up and making you drive all the way here at this hour." Taehyung looked at him, and he slowly reached for Jimin hands, weaving them together, "Don't be sorry. When I said I'll be there for you, I meant it. I don't care about my sleep." Taehyung kissed Jimin nose, "You always come first." 

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