☂︎ CHAPTER SIXTY THREE :: world. ☂︎

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"Taehyung, stop looking at me and look at the movie!" Jimin whined as he threw the popcorn on Taehyung face, who giggled, "But you look cuter than this damn movie." Taehyung took Jimin to the cinema theater as Jimin felt bad that Taehyung rarely took him on a  date, they did go on outings but not on a date. Who was he to say no? According to Taehyung— What Jimin wants, Jimin gets.

The amusing part was that Taehyung found Jimin more fascinating than the film. He hadn't taken his gaze away from Jimin since they arrived at the theater, and Jimin's heart was racing in his chest when he saw Taehyung staring at him like— as if Jimin were his whole world.

Which was in fact true. Jimin truly meant everything to Taehyung. Jimin was the guy he'll do everything and anything for. He had no idea how Jimin did it, but Taehyung was the one who existed in the gloom, but Jimin, just like his guardian angel, took his hands boldly, and didn't let go no matter how hard Taehyung struggled on his grip. Jimin brought him out of the gloom and showed him the other side of life, the brighter side of life, and the brighter side of his life was Jimin. 

Jimin— the guy who saved him, the guy who loved him more than anything, the guy who Taehyung loved, the guy who made him feel like he mattered, the guy who made him feel loved, the guy who means the world to Taehyung, and Taehyung would proudly say that guy is his boyfriend, the love of his life.

Taehyung was certain that no matter where life took him from here, his love for Jimin would remain the same. If anything, it will just increase as the day passes by.

"Taehyung." Jimin called out, poking Taehyung arms, who was looking at him as if he's in a daze, "Taehyung, come on," poke, "Tae" poke, "Taetae," poke, "Kim," poke, "Kim Taehyung," poke, "The guy in red hair," poke, "KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jimin shouted loudly, snapping Taehyung out of his trance, who jumped slightly. Jimin covered his mouth, realizing he shouted as he turned around and looked at everyone looking at him weirdly, he cast them an apologetic look as he bowed his head, mumbling a small apology. 

He turned to Taehyung, who was covering his mouth with his hand, attempting to keep his laughter down. Jimin sent him a death stare, "You fucking asshole!" Jimin started slapping Taehyung arms, who continued laughing, "Stop laughing! it's because of you!" Taehyung grabbed Jimin hands and pulled him closer, making him drop the popcorn to the ground, as Jimin eyes widened at the action. Taehyung laughed, holding Jimin hands tightly, "You are so cute when you are mad." 

Jimin glared at him and struggled on Taehyung grip, "Let me go, you idiot." Taehyung kissed his teeth, "Never," Taehyung answered, his laughter died down as he brought Jimin wrist to his lips and placed a soft kiss against it, "I'll never let go of this hand." Jimin blinked twice, his cheeks turning red almost immediately. Taehyung laughed, "You thought I'll say that?!" Jimin gasped, "You fucking asshole! Let me go!" Taehyung just continued to laugh.

"WILL YOU BOTH KEEP QUIET? I'M TRYING TO WATCH THE MOVIE HERE!" Taehyung let go off his hands and both Jimin and Taehyung looked at a man who was glaring at them. Jimin and Taehyung stood up, casting the guy an apologetic look. Jimin reached forward, "I'm sorry for the disturbance." 

Taehyung reached out to speak, but was interrupted when he saw a knife stabbed between the headrest and the backrest of Jimin's seat. Taehyung studied the man behind the seat, who was wearing a mask. Taehyung glared at him as he ran out. It was dark in the theater hall, which explained how no one noticed it. Taehyung immediately pulled the knife out and grabbed Jimin arms, who looked at him startled, "I need to go to restroom, I'll be back, alright?" He spoke almost immediately and bolted out the door, before Jimin could say anything. 

Taehyung dashed out of the hall and quickly glanced about, his gaze falling on the man fleeing out of the building. He quickly chased the man, pushing past a few people who cursed him, but Taehyung ignored them and chased the man. The man dashed to the parking lot, but Taehyung caught him and slammed him against a car, grabbing him by his collar using his one hand.

He gritted his teeth, "You have ten seconds to tell me who the fuck are you before I slit your throat with the same knife you tried to stab Jimin with." He spat out, pressing the knife against the guy throat, before Taehyung could comprehend anything, the guy removed his mask and bit Taehyung hands, hardly, making him drop the knife down. Taehyung held his hands, his face scrunching into pain. 

"Who am I— is not your concern." The guy spoke, "But you should prepare yourself because Dae hyun in coming for you. Keep everyone around you safe." With that, the man turned around and ran. Taehyung's eyes narrowed as he saw the man climbing into the back seat of the car. His gaze shifted to the passenger seat, where he saw Dae hyun smirking at him. Taehyung clenched his fist in anger as he watched the car driving away. 

This was a message. 

Taehyung let out a frustrating sigh and kicked the car nearby, his chest raised up and down as he let out heavy breaths, "Taehyung?" The said male eyes widened when he heard the soft voice behind him as he closed his eyes, he didn't want to show he was stressed, livid even. The last thing he wants is letting his anger out on Jimin.

Ten. . . 

Nine. . .

Eight. . .

Seven. . .

Six. . . 

Five. . .

Four. . .

Three. . . 

Two. . .

One. . .

Taehyung counted back the numbers, like Jimin taught him, and inhaled a deep breath as he felt his muscles loosen up. He opened his eyes, slowly, and turned around to find Jimin looking at him with worry, "What are you doing here? I looked everywhere for you!" Jimin spoke, his voice tinged with worry, as he approached the red-haired man, who was staring at him blankly.

"Didn't you tell me you were going to the restroom?" Jimin asked, glaring at Taehyung, "Wait don't tell me you were about to go home ditching me here?!" Taehyung didn't say anything, he just kept staring at Jimin. If Jimin didn't get up, the knife will be stabbed on his chest instead of the seat. He might've died. He might've been. . . dead.

"That's what you were planning, aren't you?" Jimin eyes widened as he jabbed his finger on Taehyung chest, "How dare y—" Before Jimin could complete his sentence, Taehyung's arms closed around Jimin as he drew the elder closer to him, leaned down gently, and rested his chin on Jimin's shoulder, whose eyes widened at the gesture, "Taehyung, what are you—" 

"Please." Taehyung cut him off, his voice pleading with Jimin, "Please, lets. . . just stay like this for a bit." The confusion on Jimin eyes was replaced with worry but nonetheless he wrapped his arms around Taehyung and rubbed his back, gingerly. 

The thought of losing Jimin was enough to break Taehyung. . . 

What will happen if he actually loses him?


1236 words. 

You all, I want to kill Dae hyun, who's with me?


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