☂︎ CHAPTER SIXTY ONE :: ever ☂︎

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"You are kidding, right?" Taehyung laughed, holding his stomach, "That was a nice joke." He kept laughing, but his laughter died away when he saw Jin's stern expression. Jin sighed, running his hands on his hair, "Do I look like I'm joking, Tae?" The red-haired let out a frustrating sigh, "How can they allow him to escape, hyung? How can someone be so irresponsible?!" 

"They are not careless or irresponsible, but Dae hyun is just smart." Taehyung returned home at 4 a.m. last night, despite Jimin's insistence on sleeping over, but Taehyung refused and returned and tried to sleep again, but he couldn't. It's just a habit of his; if his sleep is disturbed, he can't sleep again. He was grumpy in the morning. Adding to that, Jin told Taehyung that Kim Dae hyun broke out of the prison.

"Officer Han called me to inform this and call the cops if we see anything suspicious." Taehyung ran his hands on his hair, "He must be furious after we did that, which also means Jimin life is in danger once again—" Jin shook his head, "Not only Jimin life, but also yours." Taehyung stood up and took a deep breath, "I'm actually tired of this shit, hyung. It's like if one problem is over, another problem is waiting in the doorstep to enter in our lives." 

Jin sighed as he stood up as well and placed his hands on Taehyung back, "Taehyung—" The said male yanked his hands away and took a step back from Jin, his face contorted in anger, "Don't even think about saying it'll be fine! I'm sick of hearing that bullshit over and over again. It will be okay, yeah, but it will revert to its previous state! That's just what it is! Life is nothing more than a never-ending loop of pain and sufferings." Taehyung took his schoolbag and walked past Jin to the door, but he came to a halt and turned around to face Jin, "Don't tell Jimin about this, I won't either. He'll be scared, and I don't want him to be. I don't want his happiness to fade away." He stormed out the door, slamming it shut behind him.

After 15 minutes, Taehyung horned and pulled over in front of Jimin's house. The front door swung open, and Jimin ran out, "Bye mom!" He shouted and ran to Taehyung car, with a wide smile on his lips and slid in the passenger seat, "Hey babe." He smiled as he reached in for a kiss on Taehyung's cheeks, who gave him a weak smile in return. He feels guilty for keeping this from Jimin as they decided to tell each other everything, but it also means Jimin's smile would go away, something he doesn't want because Jimin is just healing from the events of the past. 

"Are you okay?" Jimin inquired, noting Taehyung's frown, which  Taehyung didn't know was there. He glanced at Jimin, who was worriedly staring at him, "Yeah, I'm okay, Jimin." the raven-haired raised his eyebrows, "You promise?" Taehyung gulped slightly and smiled, "I promise." Jimin smiled and nodded. 

But what Jimin didn't notice was Taehyung had his finger crossed. 

"Why aren't you driving?" Taehyung pointed to his seatbelts, "Wear your seatbelt, and we are good to go." Jimin smiled sheepishly, silently chastising himself for forgetting as he grabbed for his seat belts and buckled them. Taehyung ruffled his hair before driving away. The entire ride to school was unusually silent. Taehyung always looked to be in another universe whenever Jimin tried to strike up a conversation. When Jimin inquired about it, Taehyung just stated that he hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before.

The boys arrived at the school after a few minutes, and Taehyung parked the car in the parking lot. Jimin unbuckled his seatbelts and exited the car. He cracked a beaming smile when his gaze fell on Jungkook as he stepped out of his car, "Hey, Jungkook!" He called out, instantly gaining the brunet attention. Jungkook smiled as he locked his car and made his way to Jimin, "Hey Jimin." 

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