☂︎ CHAPTER FIFTY THREE :: very welcome ☂︎

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"I seriously feel like smacking your head, Taehyung. 'I will never let you in my life' seriously?" Jin groaned, Taehyung sighed frustratingly, "Why are you yelling at me?! He broke up with me over a rumor! a damn rumor!" 

Jin sighed and sat next to him, "Tae, you're also to blame here. Yes, Jimin was wrong to end your relationship because of a rumor, but consider his point of view. Everything is overwhelming him! Instead of talking nonsense like that, you could have been more understanding and given him some space. You understand how it feels to be alone better than anybody else, Taehyung."

Taehyung sighed and buried his face in his palms. Jin rested his hands on Taehyung shoulder, "You both love each other, Tae. You both fought against Dae hyun just so you both can be together. What the hell happened now? Are you guys really going to break up over a rumor?"

Taehyung looked up at Jin from his palms, "Correction: he did." Jin sighed, "Okay Taehyung, just tell me this. Do you love him?" Taehyung looked at him in disbelief, "Of course I do, hyung. What kind of question is that?"

Jin nodded and ruffled the younger hair, "Then go and fight for him, Taehyung. Remember, you are not a quitter." Taehyung looked at the ground, thinking about what Jin said.

Taehyung was hurt. He was really hurt when Jimin threw everything away just because of others opinion. Was it that easy for him to throw everything away? Was their relationship that weak that it ended over a stupid rumor? No, it definitely ain't, and Taehyung knows that.

"Why are you still here? Get up and go to his home, you idiot!" Taehyung looked at Jin, "Hyung, it's like 9 pm right now! Can't I go tomor- AHHH" Taehyung held the back of his head in pain as Jin smacked him in the back of his head, "No! Go and fix this before it gets out of hands. I swear, if you don't go right now, I'll hit you with my pan."

Taehyung sighed and stood up, "Jeez, calm down. I'm going." He grabbed his car keys and walked out while Jin laughed, ruffling his own hair, "These both are the biggest idiot in the world."


After what felt like 20 minutes, Taehyung pulled the car over in front of Jimin house. Sighing, he turned off the car engine and got out and locked the doors. He marched to Jimin door and pressed the doorbell. 

Soon after, the door flew open, revealing Jiyeon, "Oh Taehyung?" Taehyung smiled slightly, "I'm sorry for showing up this late but can I please see Jimin?" Jiyeon nodded and stepped aside for him to come in, "Don't be stupid, Taehyung. You can come over anytime you want and about Jimin. . ." She trailed off and looked at Jimin room.

"He hasn't left his room since he came back. He didn't even eat." Taehyung frowned, hearing that, "Don't worry, I'll make him eat." Jiyeon nodded as Taehyung made his way to Jimin room and knocked on it.

"Mom, how many times should I say I'm fine?! Just leave me alone, goddamn it!!" Jimin shouted from inside, making Taehyung sigh as the red haired leaned his head on the door, "Jimin, it's me, Taehyung. Can you open the door, please?" 

He was greeted with silence, making the younger heart grow heavy, feeling that Jimin won't open the door. Why would he do it when he has nothing to do with him?

His thoughts were broken up when he heard shuffling inside and the door unlocking sound before the door flew open. Taehyung's breath hitched when he took in the state of the elder. Jimin eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks were pinkish and puffy, his eyes were swollen, his lips were dry and bleeding slightly from biting it.

None of the lads said anything; they simply gazed at each other. Taehyung's eyes welled up, so did Jimin's. Taehyung is doing everything he can to keep from crying.

It's funny how he told Jimin he'll never let him in his life ever again if he leaves, but here he is.

Who would've thought that Kim Taehyung will be so in love one day? That too with his enemy?

Taehyung closed his eyes and took a deep breath and opened his eyes once again, finally having the courage to speak, "Listen Jimin, I'm sorry. I should have been more understanding an--" Before he could complete, Jimin grabbed him by his collar and pulled him inside his room and smashed his lips on his.

Taehyung's eyes widened in response to the unexpected motion. He anticipated the older to push him away, yell at him, shout at him, and perhaps slap him, but he wasn't complaining. Taehyung kicked the door slightly, closing it before placing his hands on Jimin's nape and pulling him closer, kissing him, pouring all his feelings on it.

Jimin's eyes gave up as tears slipped from his eyelids and rolled down his cheeks. While Taehyung's eyes burned with tears, pleading with him to let them out. The emotions they were experiencing at the time were quite overwhelming for both of them.

Running out of breath, Jimin and Taehyung pulled out, their chest raised up and down as they let out heavy breaths. Jimin looked up at Taehyung, "I'm so fucking sorry. God, I was so damn stupid. I'm so, so sorry. I'm sorry. Please--" Taehyung nodded and brushed his tears away with the pad of his thumb, "It's not only your fault. It's mine as well. You must've been overwhelmed by everything, instead of giving you some space, I was really inconsiderate. I'm sorry."

Jimin clutched onto Taehyung collars tightly as a broken sob left his lips, "I d-don't want to leave yo-you. . . I want to b-be with yo.u" he leaned his head on Taehyung chest, crying his heart out. Taehyung started running his hands on Jimin hair, trying to soothe him, "Everyone will hate us if we are together."

Jimin shook his head on Taehyung chest, "I don't care. Let them hate us."

Taehyung smiled softly and pressed his lips on top of Jimin head, "There will be many rumors about us."

"I don't care."

"Everyone may talk shit about us."

Jimin pulled away and gave Taehyung a small smile, "It doesn't matter. I don't care about what others think anymore. I care about you."

Taehyung smiled widely, "That's all I wanted to hear." Jimin sighed and bit his lips. Taehyung placed his hands below Jimin lips and pulled it down, "Stop bitting your lips."

"I'm so sorry, I didn't even know what the hell I was thinking--" Taehyung placed his index finger on his lips, "Sh, it's okay. It happens, it may happen in future as well, it doesn't matter, but we are together at the end of the day. That's what matters."

"Is this is the same Taehyung I know when he came back to Seoul?" Jimin raised his eyebrows, "Is this is the same guy who was afraid of feelings just a few months back?"

Taehyung shrugged and wrapped his arms around Jimin waist, pulling him closer to his chest, making him stand on his toes, "What can I say? It's just your effect on me." Jimin chuckled and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"But seriously, Park Jimin-- Fuck you, I was planning on being alone and not to let anyone in. Fuck you for ruining all my plans. Fuck you for making me fall in love with you."

Jimin smiled widely and booped Taehyung nose, "You are very welcome, Kim Taehyung"


1313  words.

Lol I hope that was okay.

Suddenly I'm feeling insecure of this book ;(

Alsoo, Thank you for 6k readss <3


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