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"You want me to what?!"

Jin looked at Taehyung with his eyes wide. Taehyung sighed and looked down to his fiddling finger, "Please, hyung. . ." Jin gulped, "But why suddenly?" Taehyung ran his hands on his hair, "I can't be here, hyung. There is nothing for me here anymore. Everyone hates me here. I just need a break from everything and I want to go to Daegu. . . please."

Jin buried his face in his hands, before looking up at Taehyung, "You sure about this, Taehyung? What if our uncle do something to Jimin while we're gone?" Taehyung shook his head slightly, "He wouldn't dare to because he knows what would happen if he broke his promise." Jin smiled sadly, "Fine then, pack your bags. We leave tonight."

"Leaving where?" Jin and Taehyung looked at Hoseok who walked in, Jin sighed, "Taehyung wants to leave Seoul and go to Daegu." Hoseok looked at Taehyung, "Wait what, you want to leave?" Taehyung shrugged, "It's for the best. Yoongi and Jungkook don't even wants to see my face on school. Jimin wouldn't want to see me either when he comes back to school. It's better if I leave for a while."

"I'll come with you guys then-"

"No, Hoseok." Taehyung immediately cut him off, "You've really done a lot for me in the past week, and I'm really grateful for that. It would've been really hard if it weren't for you and Jin hyung. I don't want you to come along with me. It's okay, I'll be fine, plus Jin hyung will be with me. I want you to be here and keep an eye on Jimin, just in case something happens. I want you to protect him at all costs, can you do that for me?"

Jin ruffled Taehyung hair, while Hoseok sighed before giving him a smile, "Anything for you, Tae. I'll make sure Jimin is okay while you are gone." Taehyung smiled and nodded, "Thank you." It astounds Jin how much Taehyung loves Jimin; the fact that Taehyung wanted to keep Jimin safe demonstrated how much he loved him. He thought it was funny how Taehyung used to cuss him out when they were younger, but now? Jimin had become his world. . . yet he was also saddened by the idea that they couldn't be together just because he was a Kim.

"Pack your bags and get ready, yeah? I'll pick you up at 8 pm." Jin said, Taehyung smiled sadly and nodded his head as Jin stood up and looked at Hoseok, "I'll see you later." Hoseok nodded as Jin walked out as Hoseok looked at Taehyung, "You will stay in contact, right?" Taehyung chuckled slightly, "Of course, you'll kill me if I don't. You have my number. Call me anytime." Hoseok ruffled Taehyung hair, "I'll miss you, kid."

Taehyung nodded, "I know. I'll miss you too, but hey, this is not a goodbye." Hoseok nodded, "Alright, you go ahead with packing. I'll make something for dinner." Taehyung nodded as Hoseok walked out. Taehyung sighed, as he pulled out his phone out and opened the gallery, looking at the photo of him and Jimin with a soft smile etched on his lips.

"Be safe, Jimin."


Later that night. . .

Jimin slumped on the couch. He finally came out of his room, that was just because his mom went out. He was all alone on his home. His heart hurting whenever he thought back to that day. He really misses Taehyung, even though it's just been a week. All he really wants was to be in his arms, but he can't because everything was game to Taehyung. . . so was he, and that fact really hurt Jimin. All he ever will be is a game to him.

The doorbell rang. Jimin groaned. Who the heck was it? Sighing, he got up and made his way to the door and opened it to find a woman who looked around in her 40s. Jimin raised his eyebrows. The women smiled softly, "By any chance, are you Park Jimin?"

Jimin nodded confusingly, "That's me. Do I know you?" The women shook her head slightly, "No, I'm Kim Mi Ran. Taehyung aunt." Jimin widened his eyes. What's Taehyung aunt's doing here?

"I'm sorry, I know you probably don't want to see anyone related to Taehyung, but I really need to tell you something really important. I won't take much of your time. Just ten minutes, I'll leave after I tell you." Jimin sighed as he stepped aside for her to come in, Mi ran walked in as Jimin closed the door after her. They made their way to the couch and sat down.

"Do you want coffee?" Jimin offered politely, Mi ran shook her head, "There is no time for that. I just came here to tell you something." Jimin nodded, "I'm listening." Mi ran sighed, "You see, Taehyung um. . . didn't break up with you because he wanted to, but he was forced to do it." Jimin raised his eyebrows, "What do you mean. . .?"

"I overheard my husband talking to his men about this, and I had to tell you, I can't let him ruin Taehyung life like this." Jimin looked at her confused, "Can you come to the point? What's actually happening?" Mi ran nodded, "You remember, a week back you were almost ran over by a car?" Jimin nodded slightly, "It was planned by my husband, that is. . . Taehyung uncle, he came to my home that day, really furious. Dae hyun appears to have coerced him into breaking up with you or he would kill you. Taehyung didn't have an option but to do it."

Jimin eyes widened, "B-but why. . .? Why would he want to kill me?" Mi ran sighed, "He thinks you were the reason Taehyung dad died. His love for his brother made him blind. He thinks he is doing something good for Taehyung, but instead he's ruining his life. I see him as my own son, I can't just sit around and watch."

Jimin leaned back on the couch, his heart tightening. Everything made sense now. . . Where Taehyung ran off after dropping him to his home that day, why he was acting weird the next day, why he was so clingy, why he talked like that was a goodbye, why he broke up with him. . . God, that means he didn't mean anything he said that day-- it was all a ruse to get Jimin to hate him. . . fuck.

He looked at Mi ran, "I. . . I am sorry, thank you for telling me this. I really need to go." He immediately stood up and grabbed the car keys and ran out to his mom car. He unlocked the door and got in. Starting the car engine, he drove off. He drove as carefully as possible trying to avoid any accidents. His hands were trembling, his heart was hurting. He just wants to see Taehyung.

After 15 minutes, he pulled the car over in front of Taehyung house as he got off the car and ran toward Taehyung house, leaving the car engine on. He banged on the door, and rang the doorbell multiple times, but he got no response. Which means he wasn't home. Sighing, he pulled his phone out and dialed Yoongi.

Yoongi picked up after 3 rings, "Jimin?"

"Yoongi, do you know where Taehyung is?"


"I know why he acted that way a week back, and I need to fix it so please if you know where he is, just tell me!" He said, desperately, his eyes misting over with tears, "Hoseok told us that Taehyung is living with hi--" he couldn't complete, Jimin hanged up as he ran to the car and got in, driving off to Hoseok's.

Luckily, Hoseok house was not far from Taehyung's. He reached there in 10 minutes. He turned the car engine off and got out, and made his way to Hoseok house and rang the doorbell multiple time. He could hear Hoseok groaning, before the door flew open.

"Jimin?" confusion made its way to Hoseok face, "What are you doing here?"

"I know the truth, everything. . . I need to see Taehyung, please."

Hoseok eyes widened, "But he's not here. . ." Jimin raised his eyebrows, "What?" Hoseok sighed, "Shit Jimin, You should go to the railway station as soon as possible. He's leaving to Daegu"


1409 words.

Was this bad? I'm so sorry if it was :(

I told you all I can't drag the angst, I just don't like dragging. Triple update lol coz I was motivated.

I love you :(


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