☂︎ CHAPTER TWENTY :: silent ☂︎

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"Taehyung, what are you. . ." Jimin voiced died down when he felt Taehyung brushing his red-tinted cheeks with the pad of his thumb, a small smirk adorning his plump lips. How did this end up like this? Jimin wanted to tickle Taehyung, but somehow this happened, and Jimin was a blushing mess at this point. Holy fuck-

As if on time, Taehyung phone started ringing.

A loud groan escaped Taehyung lips and let go of Jimin hands and rolled off him, making Jimin let out a sigh of relief. Jimin slowly sat straightly, his eyes trailing to Taehyung who pulled his phone out from his pocket and answered it, "Hello?"

Taehyung spoke up in a neutral voice while Jimin watched him, wondering who called him at this hour, "Yes, this is him." Taehyung spoke up once again. A small yawn left Jimin lips and he slowly stretched his arms before continuing to watch the younger.

Jimin raised his eyebrows when he noticed Taehyung growing tense, his hands gripping the bedsheet, "What?" Taehyung let out in a confused tone, and Jimin got off his bed and walked around the bed to Taehyung's side. Taehyung eyed Jimin, and the elder could see the worry and tension on Taehyung eyes, "Uh. . . alright. I'm not in Seoul right now. . . I'll come back tomorrow." With that he hanged up the call and tossed the phone on the bed before burying his face in his palms.

Jimin sat down on the bed, right next to Taehyung and placed his hand on Taehyung shoulder, which was really so stiff and tense under his touch, "Hey, what happened?" Taehyung looked up from his palm to the wall and a loud sigh escaped his lips before turning his head to look at the elder, "Jimin. . ." Taehyung swallowed and raked his hand on his hair, "I got a call from the Seoul Police Station."

Jimin raised his eyebrows in confusion, "And? What did they say?" Taehyung licked his lips, leaving a shiny path behind before averting his gaze to the ground, "My father had a heart attack and he didn't make it." Jimin eyes widened and his grip on Taehyung shoulder tightened slightly, a gesture to show comfort. True, he was not a fan of Taehyung father after everything he had done to Taehyung, but still, he was Taehyung's father. Taehyung might still care about him even after everything his father have done. Jimin knows that.

"Is it bad that I actually don't care?" Taehyung let out a bitter laugh, "Does that make me a bad person, Jimin?" Taehyung looked up at Jimin, and Jimin heart clenched slightly. He shook his head instantly and placed his hand on Taehyung's thighs and started drawing soothing circles, "That doesn't make you a bad person, Taehyung. Sure, if I didn't know about your father, I would've said that will make you a bad person, but that's not the case here. . . I know everything and let me tell you, after everything your father have done to you. . . I wouldn't give a damn if I were you."

Taehyung merely nodded his head and a sigh escaped his lips, "Are you leaving to Seoul?" Another nod was his reply to his question, "Want me to come with you?"

"No, Jimin, it's all right. I don't want to sabotage your trip. You stay and have a good time. I'll be fine on my own."  Jimin frowned, "Don't be ridiculous, Taehyung. This tour is not really important. We can come here another time. So, let me just be there for you." Taehyung parted his mouth to deny once again, but Jimin placed his hands on his mouth, "I'm not taking no for an answer. I'm coming with you, whether you like it or not"

"Have anyone told how stubborn you are?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows. Jimin shrugged, "You have been telling that since we became friends."


Yoongi's eyes was drawn to Taehyung, who was staring out the window. Jimin, who was in the back seat, was also worried since Taehyung had not said anything. It's been a week since they heard of Mr Kim's death, and his funeral was conducted today. Taehyung hasn't even cried, not a single tear has been shed by the boy, which Yoongi expected as Taehyung hasn't cried in years. Throughout the funeral, Taehyung kept a blank expression on his face. He didn't say anything.

The other three guys - Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook - were concerned by his silence. These last several weeks, Jimin and Jungkook have become so close to Taehyung that they find it difficult to look at him being all silent. Even Yoongi haven't seen him so quiet, in many years of knowing Taehyung, the younger always used to use his anger to express his sadness or anger or whatever he's feeling. He's used to Taehyung yelling, screaming, punching something when shit goes down but never quiet and that really makes him worried.

But none of the guys dared to say anything because they are scared if they say anything, that may trigger Taehyung. 

Yoongi parked the vehicle in front of Taehyung's residence after what seemed like fifteen minutes. Taehyung just got out of the car and walked inside his house, slamming the door behind him, as the three lads watched his retreating figure with a troubled expression on their faces.

"Is it a smart idea to leave him alone?" Jungkook asked, still looking at the door. Yoongi bit his lips, "Probably not, but we're talking about Taehyung here. He manages everything on his own." A small sigh left Jimin lips, "You guys go ahead. I'll check on him."

Yoongi turned his head back so he was looking at Jimin, "I don't think that's a good idea, Jimin. You see, he takes his sadness out by anger." Jimin rolled his eyes, "Well Min Yoongi, if you forgot. . . let me remind you that I was the guy he hated, which means I'm used to his anger, so don't worry, I can handle him and his anger."

Jungkook sighed, "What if he kills you?" Jimin looked at him in disbelief, "Like I'd let him" Jungkook chuckled, "I was just kidding, relax"

"Anyway you guys go ahead, I'll let you both know what happened - that is if I'm alive," Jimin chuckled and got out of the car. Both the males shrugged as Yoongi drove off. Jimin sighed and looked at Taehyung house.

Is this a viable option? I mean, I could simply turn around and call Jungkook and Yoongi to come back. . .

"Ah, fuck it." He mumbled before crossing the road and made his way to Taehyung home. As much as he wants to leave, he couldn't let Taehyung go through it all alone. It just doesn't feel right to leave him alone at times like this. Even though he knows the Taehyung will probably yell at him, shout at him, call him names. . . but if that makes Taehyung to let his pain out, he was willing to go through it. No one deserves to go through pain all alone. No one.

Jimin brought his hands to the doorknob, "Here it goes"


1209 words.

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