☂︎ CHAPTER NINETEEN :: nervous ☂︎

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"Okay that's enough, you will die at this rate if you keep drinking" The blue-haired male spoke up, getting the whiskey bottle from the raven-haired, "Then let me fucking die *hiccups" I deserve to die." the blue-haired male shook his head almost immediately, and  pulled the seat near the male and sat down, "No you don't, Seokjin" 

"I do, Namjoon. . . I do" tears started rolling down his face, and a broken sob left his lips. Namjoon breath hitched as he immediately pulled the crying male to his arms, "I l-left him" he cried out, "He's pr-probably l-living a life of hell-" he clutched onto Namjoon, "I sh-should've... *hiccups* taken h-him wi-with me ei-eight years ba-back. . . how c-can I be so. . .  selfish. . . ?" 

Namjoon cradled him in his arms, trying his best to calm the male down, "You were just 12 then, Jin. It's okay, you are not selfish. You just couldn't take it anymore. . . Sh, it's okay." but Jin showed no sign of calming down. 

"Jin hyung!!" Both the males pulled away and looked at the red haired male running toward them. Jin immediately wiped his tears away, "Hoseok," The said male ran up to both of them, catching his breath, "Your brother. . ." He trailed off, alerting Jin, "He's in Daegu. . ." 

Jin eyes widened, "Taehyung is in Daegu?!" Hoseok nodded, "Yes. . . not only on Daegu but in the same hotel we are in, I j-just saw him in the rooftop," After Seokjin ran away, Namjoon father caught him on the street, and he took him in, providing shelter, food and everything but even though, he was free from that hell, he always worried about his brother, not one day passed without him feeling guilty for leaving his brother on that hell, not a single day passed without him missing his brother. 

As a result, he was always on the lookout for Taehyung. He had always watched his brother from afar, until they relocated to Daegu. He couldn't keep his eyes on Taehyung after moving to Daegu, which intensified his worry.

Meanwhile. . .

"Where is he?" Jimin remained staring at the door, slightly concerned. He attempted to sleep around 4 a.m, but couldn't. It's been over an hour since Taehyung left, but he hasn't returned, causing him to be worried.

I shouldn't have hugged him. 

Just as he was going to get out of bed to go look for him, perhaps to apologize, the door opened and Taehyung strolled in. Jimin breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the younger close the door behind him. Taehyung gazed about, eventually settling on Jimin, who was sitting on the bed.

"You didn't go back to sleep?" Jimin shook his head, "I was worried," Taehyung quirked his eyebrows up, "Worried?" A small sigh left his lips, "I was worried that I had made you feel uneasy." 

Taehyung made his way to the bed, and pulled his shoes out and threw it to the side and sat down on the bed, "What makes you think you made me feel uneasy?" Jimin bit his lips, "I hugged you. I just wanted to find a way to calm you down, and that's all I could think of. I'm sorry." Jimin could swear he saw something flashing on Taehyung's eyes, "It didn't." Taehyung spoke up, with so much softness held on his voice, "If anything, it helped me feel better. It's really hard for me to calm down after I wake up from nightmares, so I should thank you for that." 

Jimin was truly speechless, and he blinked at Taehyung dumbly. He began to feel a spectrum of feelings that Jimin couldn't place. He shook his head, attempting to push his thoughts away, as Taehyung gazed at the male, perplexed, "You don't have to thank me for that, Taehyung." 

Taehyung kept quiet as he started fiddling with the bed blankets, "I'm sorry for waking you up, though. . . this is why I didn't want to share room with you  because I know this will definitely happen," Jimin frowned, "Because you didn't want to wake me up?" Taehyung nodded, slightly. 

His frown deepened, "Do you get nightmares often?" Taehyung shrugged in reply, "Yeah, most of the time I just don't sleep, drinking black coffee but I ended up passing out one day so eh I couldn't pull all-nighter anymore." 

"It must have been difficult for you to wake up from a nightmare with no one by your side to comfort you." 

"Not really, I'm used to it." Taehyung lied, there were times when he wished someone would hold him, calm him down, and tell him everything will be fine, and when Jimin did precisely that today, he felt a lot better and appreciative, but he won't tell him that, would he?

"Do you want to talk about it? Your nightmares?" Jimin asked with so much softness in his voice, "Not really. . . I just want to forget it". Jimin grimaced as he noticed Taehyung frowning. He began to consider how to brighten up the man when an idea occurred to him.  Jimin cautiously raised his hand and  Taehyung stared at his hands and Jimin's smirk, hesitantly - plainly understanding what Jimin was about to do. He instantly shook his head, "Don't-" 

"This is the time to pay back!" Jimin smirked evilly and pounced at the younger, tickling him. Taehyung broke out laughing and attempted to push Jimin's hands away, but he couldn't because Jimin kept tickling him.

Taehyung grabbed his hands and pushed him back, and Jimin landed on the bed with Taehyung on top of him. Taehyung caged Jimin by pinning his hands on the bed. Jimin eyes widened, and his eyes bored into Taehyung's. His breath caught in his throat when he realized how close Taehyung was, causing his heart to race once again.

If it had been the old Jimin, he would have pushed him away and kicked him for doing this, but now? for some reason, having Taehyung so closer to him made him feel nervous, "Now where is that smirk, hm?" Taehyung smirked looking at Jimin red tinted face. 

"H-Hey-" Jimin scrunched his face, mentally slapping himself for stuttering, making Taehyung smirk grow even more, "Are you nervous?" 

"N-No!" Jimin instantly shook his head, his eyes wide, leading Taehyung to raise his brows, amused glancing at the flustered guy. Taehyung leaned in closer to Jimin's ears, and Jimin felt Taehyung's warm breath on his ear, which gave him shivers.

"Didn't know I could make you this nervous, Park Jimin." 

1300 words.

I just need to say something... 

This whole story is going to be in third-person point of view, because I could explain a lot of things in third person than first person and it's lot easier as well. 

in my other story, Until the very end - I wrote in the first person point of view and I personally feel my writing sucked in it... and that's why I'm trying to improve my writing on this one heh. 

If you find any mistakes, feel free to point it out so I can correct it. Don't worry, I'm okay with you all pointing it out, I won't be offended. So please, please feel free to point my mistakes out! Even if that's a silly one, point it out! 

Anyway... I really hope you are enjoying this story so far as much as I love writing it. I don't know, but I really love updating this story - Burning desire. I honestly feel this book is better than my other story, and I really have so many ideas for this book and I can't really wait! 

Heh that's all!! Have a good day! I love you all <3


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