Chapter 3

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  • Dedicated to HIM

I limp around the apartment cleaning and fixing dinner, ignoring all the overwhelming aching that my body is doing. I decide that I will cook a dinner for Ville. I know that it could be taken in other ways, but I just can't help myself he is different than any other person I have ever met. I have found that in some small way, I have become addicted to him. Like my curiosity grows more and more. Since he has been gone I have thought about him almost every second. I don't know exactly what it is about Ville that draws me to him so much, maybe it is the total package. He has the looks of an angel and the bravery of a war hero. The only times I think about Aaron through the day is the times that I daydream that I leave him for Ville. 

I did, however, look up on the police station website to see when his court date is so that I'll know how much more longer that I will have to spend with Ville. I know that once Aaron gets out of jail, the relationship that I develop with Ville will have to be terminated. 

I wonder what kind of meeting Ville has and if it is working in his favor. I wonder if he views me as the hideous creature that I see when I look in the mirror or in the way that I view him. I am pretty sure it's the first one. A person like him seems like he has been there and done that.  

I put the prepared food in the oven and set the oven on a low setting to keep the food warm till he comes around to check up on me. I walk to the front room and sit down. I pick up my cell phone and start to play a game on it to try to get my mind off of him and make the time go by faster.

I don't play the game all that long before I hear a knock at the door. I yell out to whoever is outside to come in. I look up from my phone and see Ville standing in the doorway. My heart stops and then starts to flutter. My stomach sinks down and I am left drinking in the vision of Ville in my doorway. Ville walks up to me and I am lost in the moment and have to remember to breathe.

"How are you doing," he asks, being attentive.

"Better... I still have some pain. But I am at least getting up and walking around without falling to the floor anymore," I answer, "Did your meeting go well," I ask wondering if he will give me any type of detail about what kind of meeting it was.

"It could have been better. But then again I can't always have everything my way. I came up here as soon as I got back to the apartment building to see if you are okay. Now that I have done that I can go make myself something to eat," he remarks.

"I have food already prepared if you would like some," I offer.

Ville shoots me a huge warm smile and his eyes twinkle and smile with him, "You know you don't have to do that." 

My lips part as I come to the stunning revelation that my body has been trying to tell me, "I want to do that," as soon as the words left my lips I am filled with regret. My body tenses up. My mind keeps telling me to back off. I don't even know if he has a girlfriend or not. I know nothing but a name about this man. Yet, I am thrown into a pool of hormones and drown in sexual frustration around him.

I lead him to the kitchen table and bring him a plate of food. I sit at the table so that I can hold conversation and be the good hostess that I am. He digs into his food and eats it so fast that I don't know if he is even allowing himself time to taste it. 

"So tell me about yourself," I inquire, wanting to know more from this extraordinary man.

"Nothing much to tell. I am sure that you can hear my accent, I am Finnish," he offers, with a mouth full of food. He remembers his manners after talking and covers his mouth with his hand.

"Oh, wow I honestly don't think that I really caught on to you having an accent," I chime, in another fit of honesty.

Ville laughs, "I thought that it would be hard to miss. I know that I have a pretty thick accent... are you deaf?" 

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