Sixish Years Later

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I walk into Destiny's room. I slightly open the door and see her playing with her dolls. She tends to play with one doll with blonde hair the most. Destiny's hair flows down slightly past her shoulders. Her hair has the curls that her father's hair has. At the moment I have her hair pulled back in a pony tail. Her little angelic face always seems to touch my heart in the deepest way. Just like her father, she is a breath of fresh air, a gift sent from heaven. Her beautiful little hands brush her doll's hair back. 

Her pastel pink dress flows down to her knees. She looks just like a princess, daddy's little princess. Ville spoils her as much as he possibly can. Whatever she wants he will get it for her. If she is feeling like she wants a princess dress, he will make sure she gets it. She is daddy's little girl in every meaning of the word. They even have made their own version of Saturday morning cartoons. They both sit there and watch "Loony Toons" for three or four hours together, in their pajamas.

"Tiedän, että olet siellä äiti (Mommy, I know that you are there)," she tells me. 

I walk into the room with a loving smile on my face, "Oletko valmis mennä ulos ja tervehtiä vieraasi? Ne ovat kaikki täällä juhlia teidän syntym (Are you ready to go outside and greet your guests? They are all here to celebrate your birthday)," I ask.

She turns to me with a shit eating grin on her face, "Daddy said that he is going to sing for me today," she excitedly announces. 

I nod my head and she drops her doll down on the floor to run up to me and wrap her arms around my legs. I have learned Finnish and now can speak it very well. Ville kind of forced that one as much as he can on me. Destiny learned everything in Finnish first, then she would learn it in English. Now around the house we speak Finglish, it is half Finnish and half English. 

I pick Destiny up in my arms and take her downstairs and to the backyard. She looks around at all of the people in the backyard with stars bouncing around in her eyes. Ville rushes through the crowd to get to his pride and joy. He takes her out of my arms and lifts her on to his shoulders. I hear her giggle that sweet giggle that I can't get enough of. 

Of course Daddy is wanting to show his little girl the stuff that he has set up for her as well as show her off to family. He is one of those fathers that has a whole wallet of pictures of his child. Just sitting there so he can show others if he feels the need. 

There is an all to familiar spring in Ville's step as he dances away with her on his shoulders. I honestly think that Ville has never grown up sometimes. It shows mostly when he is with his baby girl. 

"The birthday girl has finally made it to her Wonderland. Let me show you what Mommy and Daddy did for your birthday to make the backyard into your own personal Wonderland," Ville joyfully tells her, as he takes off to show her all the things we did to make her birthday extra special. 

The backyard is filled with white rose trees made to look like the roses are painted red. There are all kinds of cardboard cut outs of Alice, mushrooms, a white rabbit, a caterpillar, the queen of hearts, the playing card people, singing flowers, and of course the Cheshire cat. There is a bounce house that is "Alice in Wonderland" themed. 

There is a table that holds a buffet of food that Ville had catered. He was more concerned that we take care of all the details of the decorations and pay someone else handle the cooking and the food. Another table is filled with cupcakes set in glass cases piled up like a pyramid. Each cupcake has the words "Eat Me" written on them. To the side of the pyramid of glass cased cupcakes are decorated corked bottles with tags on them that say "Drink Me". There is a table that is filled with bright colors and set for a tea party. Ville and I plan on yelling out "Move down, move down" while we have our tea party. There is a table that is holding a finely decorated cake that holds every aspect of "Alice in Wonderland". And of course there is a table that is piled high with birthday presents for Destiny. Some of the presents have even managed to find their way spilling over the table and on to the floor. 

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