Chapter 7

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Ville and I walk up the stairs to the apartment. Ville leading the way and I am following behind him. We are carrying a massive amount of bags. We had just made our way through the mall and other shops buying clothes and outfits. We also purchased necessities that I will need like a hairbrush, toothbrush, body spray, perfume, female sanitary products, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, and other things that I will need. 

We reach the top of the stairs. I look around at my old apartment. Seeing the sign hang by the door that says their names brings the hate back. I follow Ville to the apartment door. Ville fumbles with his keys to try to unlock the door. I turn around and see Aaron and that girl walking out of the apartment. Aaron shoots a look my way and points to Ville and I. The girl then looks our way too and starts to laugh. I start to become filled with rage.

"Don't worry," I hear Ville's voice yell from behind me, "I purchased all new clothes for her. Now she can look good instead of being a thrift store model."

I look back at Ville and see that he is amused with what is going on. Ville reaches a hand out and glides it across my cheek, "Don't let them get to you. If you let that happen it means that you let them win. I for one refuse to settle for anything but coming out on top" he smirks. 

"Have my sloppy seconds," I hear Aaron yell back.

I look at Ville's face and see him enraged at the comment, "Go inside darling," he tells me in a calm voice.

I walk inside the apartment and shut the door behind me. I know that Ville is about to loose his composure. I walk to the window and watch Ville as he yells back to Aaron, "If I had it my way you would not be heard from again. She is to good for you. She told me to tell you good luck with the venereal disease that you have," he motioned over to the other woman, "Darling, you may want to get yourself checked. I have seen some of his medical reports from Lucy and it seems to be a invisible train wreck down there."

Ville turned around smiling from ear to ear and walked into the apartment. I turn to look at him as he enters the apartment, "Aaron doesn't have VD," I hiss.  

"Yeah, I know. But that other girl doesn't know... Good luck to him if she stays with him now," Ville walks up to me and puts his arms around me, "Are you alright?" 

I nod my head as it lays on Ville's chest. I feel safe in his arms. I have only known this man for such a short amount of time and it feels like I can trust him a whole hell of a lot more than Aaron. His body so warm and caring, and I wish that he would never let me go. 

Ville eventually lets go, walks to the front room, and sits down in his recliner chair. I am left feeling my body beg for his embrace again. 

"So, I was thinking about you and that ex-boyfriend of yours... I do believe that as of right now I can call him an ex-boyfriend. I think that right now maybe you should start to go out with friends. I know that when I went out with friends to hang out that sure helped me feel better about things." Ville suggests.

"Well, I know that you are just trying to help and all, but I don't have any friends," I reply.

Ville looked puzzled, I could almost see the thoughts moving around in his head, "Why don't you have any friends? Everyone has at least one good friend. What about that girl he was talking about... I think her name was Val?"

"Val is a different subject... it's a long story," I groan.

Ville's eyes soften, "Well I would love to hear about this long story," he says with all sincerity.

I lower my head ashamed of what I am about to unveil to Ville. I regret ever letting myself get to involved with Aaron and hurting the only friend who gave a damn about me. I live with this regret every day. I know that once I tell Ville about Val I may not have a place to live anymore; but there is something about him that makes me want to tell him the truth. I feel safe when I am around him. I begin to think about what happened to Val and felt a tear fall from my eye. I walk to the couch and sit down. I put my hands on my face to try to cover the pain that I am feeling at the moment. 

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