Chapter 53

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Ville wakes me from my slumber. My eyes flutter open and see his beautiful face hovering over me. The sight of perfection that only could come from one of God's best molds. I was sleeping so well for once I almost want to go back to bed. This is one of the very rare nights of good sleep. 

"Get dressed fast. We are meeting Risto, Torsti, Bam, and Missy. The rest of the house is ready to go," Ville commands. 

I get up and out of bed. Still sleepy as hell. I stumble over to the closet and dig through the closet and pull out my pair of Juicy Conture black track pants with the matching shirt and hooded jacket. I have decided that today I am not going to give any fucks as to what I look like because my fuck forest has burned down and I don't have a single fuck to give. I put my hair up in a loose bun and walk out of the room.

I walk downstairs and see everyone in the front room. Mom, Dad, Jamie, and Val are all dressed and ready to go. I wonder what Ville has planned for all of us. Ville walks out of the kitchen with a plastic on-the-go coffee cup in his hands. He walks to me and hands me the cup. I take a energizing drink from the cup and feel the warm liquid travel down my body and rest in my stomach.

"Let's load up," Ville announces. 

We all file out the door and jump into the waiting vehicles. Jamie sits behind me in the car that Ville and I are taking. Ville leads the way out of the driveway and onto the streets. There is no music playing over the radio, that is very out of the ordinary. Usually when Jamie gets into a car she has to take over and play music. But right now she is silently sitting in the back of the car.

We weave through the streets and start to enter the countryside. The fields and trees look so beautiful. I look out the window and wonder where Ville is taking us. I soon see Bam and Missy's Hummer along with Torsti's car, Risto's car, and Ville's parent's car. We pull up to a condemned house. That is when everything hits me. This is the house that I was kept in by Aaron. 

My heart starts racing and it feels like I can't breathe. Ville pulls up to the house and turns the car off. He gets out of the car, but I am to afraid to do anything right now. I just want to stay where I'm at. Tears fill my eyes as I begin to think about everything that happened in this house. 

Jamie rests her hand on my shoulder, "Luc, don't worry. We're all here to help you. This is a good thing."

Ville walks to my side of the car and opens the door. He holds out his hand to help me out of the car. I don't want to take his hand. I don't want him to make me face this fear. I would much rather go back home and pretend like this never happened. 

"I'll never hurt you. We are going to fight these demons head on today," Ville tells me. 

I reluctantly put my hand in his and get out of the car. Risto runs to my side and puts his arm around my shoulder to try to comfort me. Tears flood my eyes and I just want to run back to the car and get the hell out of here. We walk up to Bam's Hummer and see that he is starting to unload gas cans. 

"We're going to burn this fucker to the ground," Bam sings as he unloads the gas cans. 

Ville looks at me, "We are going to walk through the house one last time so you can get a good look at it. Then we are going to torch it."

I shake me head. I don't agree to this. I don't want to go inside of the house anymore. I jerk my hand from Ville and run back to the car. I am stopped suddenly by my father. His arms wrap around me in a blanket of protection. I sob into his chest. I don't want to be here at all. I would much rather do almost anything than be here.

"You don't have to go in there if you don't want to," my father tells me. 

"Dad," Jamie yells out, "Don't tell her that. This is to try to help her in her recovery."

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