Chapter 6

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My eyes flutter open to the world of reality. My eyes ache and sting. They feel like thorns have been rubbed on them. I take my hand to rub them and feel the unbearable pain screaming from my sockets. My nose feels like my eyes do. As my vision starts to focus I look around the room that I am in. I look at the bed and see that they are not my blankets. The realization hits me like a ton of bricks where I am and how I got here.

I roll out of bed and make my way to the front room. I see Ville laying on the couch asleep. He is wearing his clothes from last night and no blanket covering him. I stop and stand in front of him. He is like a prince charming and I feel awful for pushing him away like I have been doing. I am actually surprised that he is still around me after our dinner conversation last night. I know that if I was in his shoes I would have left.

I wish there is something that I could do for him to thank him. I haven't known him for all that long and he is treating me like he would a best friend. Maybe that is something that is common where he comes from. But here in America, it seems that everyone always just focuses on what they have to do. Very rarely do you find someone here that loves helping others and will stand up for a stranger. 

I look down at the crotch of his pants and see traces of his manhood. I start to feel a little hot as I look at him. There is no doubt that I lust after him. I look away as fast as I can after he starts to stir a little. Be it my luck, he will wake up and find me like this. Seeing me as some kind of sex filled girl. 

I walk into the kitchen and make myself some coffee. I pour a glass and make my way out of the front door. I shut the door behind me as I walk out. I pull a cigarette out and light it up. I savor the first few drags and take in some of the vitamin D the sun has to offer. I look at the dumpster and see piles of my clothes with rotten food covering them. I wish that there is something that I could do to get back at Aaron. I for sure am not wearing those clothes anymore. God knows what has touched them after they entered the dumpster.

I take my cell phone out of my pocket and look at it. I see that there is a text from an unknown phone number. I open up the text to see a picture of the woman from last night sucking on Aaron's penis. I look at the picture more and start to fill with hate. How can Aaron and her do this to me after he just accused me of sleeping with Ville? How could I push Ville away any longer knowing what they are doing?

I look at my apartment door and see that there is some type of sign right outside the door that is in the shape of a heart with the names Kelly and Aaron in it. I want to go over there right now with the police and kick her whore ass out of my apartment. But then again I don't think that I want to be living in there after what happened last night. 

I set my cup of coffee down and dig in my coat pocket and pull out the camcorder that I took from her last night. I wonder what Ville was doing in the room with her for so long. I don't want to totally give in and start to love Ville if he is just like Aaron.

I reluctantly press play on it and see her masturbate. I turn my eyes from the screen and press the forward button on the camera making the video fast forward to the point of Ville walking into the room. I look back at the camcorder and wait till I get to that point. Once I see Ville I press the play button so that I can see what happened. 

I see Ville walk into the bedroom and step back. Then I see him take a step forward into the bedroom. The woman in the video begs him in the most vulgar and un-lady-like way to have sex with her. Ville walks over and picks up her pants and shirt. He throws them at her. When the clothes fall on her body they cover her breasts. He tells her to put her clothes on. She then removes the clothes from her body and throws them to the ground. She starts fingering herself a lot faster and harder than before. Moaning and squirting everywhere.

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