Chapter 31

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It has been a few weeks from the day that I got the call from Aaron. Missy did have to tell Bam what was happening and Bam said that he would do something about it. So far what Bam did seems to be working because there is no signs of Aaron anywhere. Bam said that he would not tell Ville about anything, mainly because he agrees with me. He feels that by adding stress to Ville then it would have some type of effect on him getting better. 

Missy and Bam at the moment are looking for a place that they can call home again. They do not want to go back to the states till they find their new home. They do not want to take the chance that Aaron knows where they are at and starts to mess with them. Really I don't blame them for wanting to do that. They have seen the things that Aaron is capable of doing and do not want any part of it again. 

On the other hand Ville is getting a lot better. His wounds are healing up nicely and he is now up and walking around by himself again. I know that he still hurts from time to time, but he is never going to let that get him down. He is one of the most determined men that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. But I guess that also has a huge factor to play in the fact that he is so damn successful. 

Finland, so far has proven to be a lot better than the states. I have not been here all that long and see some of the major differences that it has. One of the things is that most of the people here are very to themselves. There are circles of friends and all. But you will never find people that come up and just start talking to you for no reason. 

Another thing that is different is that, unlike the states Finnish people don't really mess with celebrities. I know that if Ville was as big in the states as he is here he would have mobs of people following him around at all times. Here it is like they all know who he is and they all like him. But he is still able to lead a life as well. 

This is also the first time that I have seen items that you can purchase and know that what you see on the price tag is what you are paying for the item. To be honest I think that the states should adapt to this way of thinking. I can remember so many times that I had to go to the store with very little money and think that I have enough to pay for the items that I am purchasing. However, I did not figure that tax was going to be that much. Here, if you are purchasing something marked for twenty then that is what you are paying. Not twenty two after tax was factored in. 

I have noticed that in Finland, when we go out to the shops it is not like that the cashier tries to make small talk. It is strictly business there. The person that is working does not want to tell me about how their day is going or about problems that they are facing at home. In the states this happens a lot. I have always found this a little odd in a way. I have never been the type of person to talk about my personal problems with anyone that I do not know on a deep personal basis. And it is really kind of a buzz kill when I am in a good mood and go to pay for some gas and the clerk is telling me how bad of a day that they are having because it is their day off and they came into work anyway because they need money to pay their bills. 

On that subject, I can remember when Ville and I went shopping for some clothes for me. I have always been pretty poor and never could afford to go to the nicer shops where they ask you when you go to pay for your stuff the name of who helped you. When we went shopping for my clothes it was something that was very new to me and I did not know how to take it. When I went shopping I did not pay attention to the name tags that everyone wore. To be honest I never really noticed that they wore a name tag so that I can identify them at the checkout. Ville was just as clueless as I was at the checkout as well. Often we would just describe what the person was wearing or what they looked like. Here in Finland they don't do that. I wonder if it is just something like the person who helped you makes a commission off of your purchase. So in a way both Ville and I was not use to that side of things. 

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