Chapter 8

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Ville rushes up to the window that just broke and I stay behind him on the couch knowing that the upper half of my body is exposed. I grab my shirt off of the floor and throw it on over my body. I look on the floor and see that there is a brick laying on the floor by the side of the couch. It has a note attached to it by a rubber band. I pick up the brick and carefully take off the rubber band to retrieve the note that was left. I open up the folded paper and read what it had to say.

Get your fucking hands off of my property! You fucking third world country fuck! You will learn to regret it if you don't heed my warning!

I know this is the work that could only come from Aaron. He is the only one that is so under educated to have written this. I feel my body grow warmer as I get more pissed off by the fact that he would do something like this. Aaron knows how mad I get when he belittles people period, and when he does it in such a hateful manner it makes me want to hit him. 

"What is that," I hear Ville ask.

I look up and see Ville looking at me and the note that I am holding in my hands, "The same reason that I try to push you away. Your window is broken because of Aaron," I hold up the note, "This is a note that he wrote making fun of you and threatening you. You don't need this in your life," I rant in all honesty. 

Ville is the most beautiful man that I have ever had the honor of knowing. His warm heart and his devilishly good looks should land him on the cover of "People" magazine, talking about how he is the most handsome man in the world. I can't allow him to go through crap like this. He deserves better. He deserves only the best.

Ville walks up to me and rips the note out of my hands. He reads it and then walks to the door. He opens the door and walks out. My heart is pounding in my chest wondering if Ville is going to get into an altercation with Aaron. I jump to my feet and walk to the door. I see Ville looking down from the balcony walk-way. He is holding his hand straight up in the air with the note. His fingers grip onto the note tight.

"Hey... Fucker..." he shouts trying to get the attention of Aaron, "Third world to third grade...Maybe next time you will have enough balls to say this to my face," he booms, shaking the hand holding the note, "Till then... this is what I think of your love notes to me," he yells. Then he lowers his arm, turns around, pulls down the back of his pants, and wipes his butt with it. He pulls up his pants and turns around. He crushes the paper into a ball and throws it at Aaron, "Have fun sniffing my ass you dog."

I get up off of the couch and stand behind Ville. The little scene that he has created makes me feel good in a way. Finally someone calls out Aaron. Finally Aaron hears what should have been said a long time ago. But I am also a little scared for Ville. He is the first one that has stepped up and calls it like he sees it. I worry that maybe with all of these words being spoken, Ville is putting himself in danger. 

Ville turns around and looks at me. He is stopped in his tracks like he is shocked to see me. I smile at him and then break out into a fit of laughter. Ville walks closer to me with a smile on his lips. He looks like he wants to laugh too but is holding it all back. He wraps his arm around my shoulders leading me inside the apartment.

When Ville shuts the door to the apartment the sound of his laughter fills the air, "I did not think that you were standing right there. I turn around, see you, and wonder if I am going to be in trouble for that."

Ville's laughter is like music to my ears. I could listen to him laugh all day, every day and not get tired of it, "Sorry to break your laughter and all, but now I am wondering where we will be sleeping tonight. He broke the window."

Ville stops laughing, "We will sleep here. I dare that mother fucker to come in here. I think that will be the last thing that he does."

"I would feel a lot safer if I did not have to sleep here tonight," I said wishing that he would change his mind.

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