Chapter 12

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My eyes slowly open. I see the morning sunshine flooding through the window, running into my eyes and rendering me blind. I turn over recalling the events from last night. He was so gentle and everything was mind-blowing good. I have never had the privilege of feeling the way that he makes me feel. 

I turn around in the bed and see that Ville is no longer laying by my side, he is sitting across the room in a chair holding a notepad and writing in it. He stops writing and looks at me, giving me a wink, then going back to his writing. I then see and remember that I am still naked and cover up with the blankets on the bed.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I ask.

"Writing a song" he answers.

"Oh for a minute I was about to go and find a necklace to that you can draw me in that... and only that" I say as I laugh.

I begin to wonder if he will leave the room so that I can get dressed. As I sit and stare I come to the relization that he has no plans of moving anytime soon. I remove the blankets and get out of bed. I walk my naked happy ass to his closet and take out his bath robe. I cover myself up with it and tie it into place. I walk up to Ville and kiss him lightly on his cheek and then walk out of the room. I figure while his creative juices are flowing I would fix a breakfast so good that just by looking at it he will gain 5 pounds.

I walk into the front room and look around. Everything seems as fine as can be. No signs that Aaron has even thought about us. I walk into the kitchen and start up a pot of coffee. I put Ville's cup where the pot should be so then he will have some nice hot coffee while he is working. As I wait for the coffee to fill the cup I open up the refrigerator to see what type of food he has in it. I decide on making biscuits and gravy without the sausage with some scrambled eggs. I start to get everything out and see that his coffee cup is filled. I grab the pot and switch the two out.

I walk the cup of coffee to the bedroom and set it down on the table next to him, "Breakfast will be done in a little bit" I tell him.

He nods his head and does not say a word. I walk out of the bedroom and walk into the front room again. I walk up to the window and look out trying to see if I can see Aaron anywhere. I look at the apartment that use to be mine and see that the door is shut and it looks like nothing is really going on.

I walk back into the kitchen and prepare breakfast.

When the table is set and all the cooking is done I walk into the bedroom to see that Ville has only drank half of his cup of coffee, yet does not look like he has moved in the slightest. I glance over his shoulder to see that it looks like he is writing a song. I divert my eyes quickly from the paper because I don't know if he is one of those types of people that does not like anyone reading his writing till it is released.

"Breakfast is done" I tell him.

He closes the notepad and sets it on the table. He grabs his cup of coffee and follows behind me as I walk to the breakfast table.

"Is that my bathrobe?" he asks me on the short journey to the breakfast table.

My cheeks turn red, "Yes it is your bathrobe."

We sit down at the table and immediately Ville starts to eat like he would never get another meal again. I take my time eating savoring the flavor.

Ville finishes his meal and wipes his mouth with a napkin that was in a holder on the table, "I am sorry for ignoring you this morning. I just had a bunch of great ideas and had to write them down."

"No need for apologies. I know that is your work and something that you love doing. I have no problem staying out of your way when you write" I let him know.

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