Chapter 13

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I have had a few beers and my head is starting to swim. Everyone else has drank way more than I have and still seem fine. The band is done playing and conversing with us. Missy has not left my side, but really I see that as a good thing because I sometimes get shy around new people. Torsti was talking with us while the rest of the band was talking to Bam and Ville.

"So how have all of you been doing?" Missy asks Torsti.

"Pretty good. This is the first time that we will be touring the states. It is kind of new and all. I am sure that it will go well in the states, just a lot of small shows... but hey you got to start somewhere. How else are we going to blow HIM's record sales out of the water in the states?" Torsti replies.

"That is a pretty tall order to fill. Ville had a lot of publicity from Bam here as well" Missy tells him.

I start to zone out of the conversation. Most of what they are talking about I don't know, and I feel like the dunce of the group because I do not know any of my boyfriends band history. I look off into the wooded area on Bam's property. The wooded area reminding me something that would be in Grimm's fairy tales. I see a movement in the wooded area and catch a glimpse of what looks like Aaron. I shake my head trying to erase the image from my mind. I look back at the wooded area and I don't see anyone anymore.

"What the hell is wrong with you Lucy" Missy asks.

"Nothing I was just looking at the wooded area, admiring it" I reply.

Could Aaron have followed us here? I know that he seemed pretty upset when we left because of the stunt that Ville pulled. Aaron's voice still rings in my head, as I start to feel sick at the thought of something bad happening to Ville. 

I then begin to think about the conversation that Ville was trying to have with me about moving. I look over to see Ville laughing and joking around with Bam. I know that he is only looking out for me when he suggested moving, yet I don't want to take him away from his friends that he loves so much. There is nothing in New York for us, other than maybe his sly way of trying to reconnect me with Val. I have my suspicions that is what he is going for when he made the suggestion. Oh, how I love that man. He is so sweet and thoughtful. Could it be that in the same way that I care so much about him that I don't want to take him away from his friends, that he feels the same way and would want me to get back with the only friend that I have ever had?

Ville looks back and Missy, Torsti, and I, for a moment our eyes lock together and I begin to feel butterflies in my stomach. My cheeks turn red and I turn around to go back to the conversation with Missy and Torsti.

"Good god Lucy" Missy exclaims.

"What?" I ask batting my eyes to try to look innocent.

"You and Ville. Even from a distance you two seem to have this connection, it's sickening... yet sweet" she laughs.

"Shut up" I say playing around, "So Torsti how long has your band been together?"

"Since the late 90's we have been playing music with each other. But around the year 2000 we actually started writing and recording our own stuff. Yet, your boyfriend was the one to make it big. In Finland he is very well known. And in other countries HIM is treated like royalty. In the states HIM went gold making that band the first Finnish band to go gold in the states" Torsti tells me. 

My heart begins to fill with pride. My man has accomplished so much and deserved it all with all his hard work and dedication. He is the total package... and way to good a person to be dating me.

"Lucy" Missy says breaking me from my depressive thoughts, "Torsti and the guys are playing at a club tonight. Bam and I got a limo to drive all of us there so if there is any changes that you would like to make to your appearance, I suggest that you do it now. The limo will be here soon."

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