Chapter 25

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Over the next week it was mentally draining me. I never left Ville's side. Of course the police came to talk to us so that they can start an investigation. During the time that the officers were there it kind of upset me that they would ask Ville so many questions when I felt that he should save his energy. I would answer all the questions that they had. But at times they heard what I had to say and they would ask Ville for his view on things. It pissed me off when he would give the same answer that I did and they would do it again after a a couple more questions. 

I think that I have successfully pissed off everyone at the hospital. I would get mad and voice my opinion any time that I felt that it was necessary, it just so happened to be all most all the time. A lot of little things upset me. The nurses that was assigned to his room would make sure that they shut the door and pulled the curtain when they would try to clean him up, but I still felt that they were to rough with him when they tried to move him. There was several times that I felt that I had to take over in cleaning him up.

I have thrown a fit over almost everything. For the first few days he would not be able to eat. But after that they felt that he was doing good enough to eat something. When they would bring trays of food to his room it would always be trays that was filled with gravy covered meat. I know that Ville does not like to eat meat like that, he is more the type that would enjoy mixed vegetables over their mystery meat any day. Torsti and Sammi would go out and get him something to eat all of the time. I would get upset because it seemed like every time that they would bring something back for Ville to eat the nurses would examine the food before it made it to Ville's room. As if the healthy things they would bring him is worse than the shit that the hospital would try to feed him.  

It upset me when there would be times where his door was not guarded the way that I would like it to be. Several times I wanted to scream at them and ask them if they even know who he is. Not only is he someone special to me, but he is special to a lot of other people as well. I would always hold back on saying some stuff like that because I feared that if I did say something then they would try to go into his room more often than they should, and maybe even try to take stuff from him, get him to sign things, and take pictures of him. I now know that Ville's mother has told him that he better be kind to his fans, but at this time I think that he just needs to get better.

During the times that Ville's door was not guarded I would be on high alert. I feared that Aaron was just waiting for that perfect time to come in and finish the job. The police has not found him yet and I know just how crazy Aaron can be. I swear to myself that the next time that I see him I will kill him. I know that in the near future I will never have to worry about Aaron anymore because we will be in Finland, but I really wish that he would either die or go to prison for what he has done. 

Torsti, Sammi, and Rose would always be at the hospital with me. They made the days go by a little faster and took my mind off of all the things I was thinking for a moment. Ville would always try to be polite to them and try his hardest to stay awake so that he can keep them company. I never tried to stop him from doing that, I have flipped the bitch switch so many times on the hospital staff already, and I feel that being polite like that is just the way that Ville is. So I would never treat him like a five year old telling him what to do all the time.

After the first five days in the hospital they decided that they would take him off of most of the machines that they hooked him up to. They put a stop to his blood transfusion after twenty four hours, they took him off of the bags of fluid, they took his catheter, and his tube on the side of his chest.

They took out his catheter and the tube on the side of his chest at the same time. They told me that I better leave the room while they do it. I wanted to protest and tell them that they have to do it in front of me, but I left the room knowing that they were right. I stood in the hall right by his door and heard all of his screams as they removed the tubes. I wanted to run into the room and tell them to stop, but I know that the tubes had to come out, I leaned on the wall by the door and cried till I was able to go into the room again. When I walked back into the room I know that my eyes were red from all of the crying. I looked at him and seen that his eyes were red as well from the pain. I stood by his side and held his hand till he went back to sleep.

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