Chapter 26

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We all walk off of the plane and into the airport. My nerves has gotten the best of me. I thought this whole time that I would be glad to be out of the USA, but I fear what will happen here as well. I push Ville in his wheelchair into the airport. We are met with a bunch of smiling faces. I see Risto, Bam, and Missy waiting, along with a bunch of other people that I do not know. There is an older woman there with pride written all over her face. I can tell this is Ville's mother. He got his good looks from her. 

She is the first one that walks up to us. She walks straight to Ville and gives him a big hug. I hear Ville moan in pain and my first instinct is to tell her to be gentle with him. But I shut my mouth because I would never tell his mother how she can show him affection. 

"Mother, this is Lucy" Ville tells her.

The woman looks up at me, her eyes filled with tears of joy, "Hello Lucy. You are the woman that has saved my baby, and the woman that he talks to fondly about. I am Anita" the woman tells me and she opens her arms into a hug. 

I wrap my arms around her and hug her. She tightens up her grip to where I almost am having troubles breathing. But again I do not say anything, I would never be the one that is not polite to his family. 

Bam and Missy walk up to us and Missy gives me a hug. Bam leans down to talk to Ville. When Bam stands back up he stands at Missy's side. 

"I just want to say" Bam starts off, "I am not all to pleased with my home going up in flames like that..." Bam's eyes start to water a little. He holds out his hand and takes my hand. He pulls me into him and wraps his arms around me tightly, "But thank you for saving my friend" he says as he weeps on to my shoulder. 

At that moment Risto and two other men that I don't know walk up and we all embrace each other in a group hug. When the hug breaks free I feel the need to say something. I can not stand that I am looked at like a hero when it was because of me as to why it all happened in the first place. 

"I want to tell everyone that as much as I like all this loving attention, I am no hero. If I never came into Ville's life then Risto would have never have been hurt and Ville would have never been through what he did. It is because of my crazy ex-boyfriend that this all happened. I am not a hero by any means. I am just trying to make things right" I tell everyone in a shy voice. 

The space was filled with uncomfortable silence that seems to linger. Nobody was saying anything and I did not know if I should take that as a bad sign or a good sign. The look on everyone's faces looked almost like they were trying to process the whole thing. 

"It was your ex-boyfriend" Risto said, "Not you. You are not to blame for any of this. You are not the one that told him to do what he did. You are the one that really steps above what we would expect of you. If it was not for you and Torsti going into the bar we would never have enough proof to put him in prison, if it was not for you running into a burning house not knowing if Ville was alive or dead he would not be here with us today, if it was not for you then Sammi would not have met the love of his life, and if it was not for all this crazy shit Ville would not have come home as soon as he did. He was talking about moving to New York just to make you happy. If he did that then what do you think would happen to the band? So if you really look at all of it from my point of view everything happened the way that it was suppose to".

I walk up to Risto. I am very moved by what he just said. I never thought about it all like that. I know that deep down I will still feel that this is all my fault. But for this moment in time he has made sense of everything and has made me feel better about things. I open up my arms and wrap them around Risto. He pulls me to him and I weep on his shoulder. 

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