Chapter 27

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The sun shines brightly on my face. I wake up and look around the room. I see Ville laying on the couch smoking a cigarette. He is staring at the ceiling in deep thought. I could watch him for hours, but I begin to think about how I should probably fix him something to eat. 

I stand to my feet and Ville looks in my direction, "How did you sleep last night sweetheart" I ask him. 

"It could have been a lot better if I had some pain pills and you by my side" he answered.

I make my way to the kitchen to get him a glass of milk. When I come back out I give him the glass and a pill. He takes the pill right away and finishes the glass of milk. He hands me the empty glass with a smile dancing on his lips, "That will be all for now wench".

I laugh at his joke. It is like a breath of fresh air that he is feeling good enough to joke around. He seems to do better and better everyday, "That will not be all. I am going to get everything set up to make your face look less werewolfish. I swear I have never seen you with any more than a five o'clock shadow".

Ville runs his fingers through the hair on his face, "What if I like it" he asks.

"If you like it, then that is fine. I just thought that you would want to have a shave since you always have kept up with it. I thought that it would bug you a little to have hair like that" I try to explain. I don't want him to take it the wrong way. I will love him no matter what he looks like, I just thought that he would want a shave.

"Why don't you get dressed. Today you will meet another good friend of mine who will be taking us to the mobile phone store. We are going to get mobile phones... I think mine broke" he tells me.

I nod and run up the stairs. I look everywhere for the gym bags that we packed, but cant find them anywhere. I run to Ville's closet and pick out some clothes of his. I pick out a long sleeved black shirt, a pair of black pants, and a vest. I get dressed in it and walk downstairs. 

When I near the end of the stairs Ville looks at me and lets out a small laugh that is quickly followed by the sound of moaning as he goes through pain, "I don't think that I will ever get use to seeing you in my clothes. I just find it so... hot" he tells me in a seductive tone. 

"Well until I can find my clothes I will have to use yours" I tell him. I look him up and down, wishing that he was not hurt and that we did not have anywhere to go. At that moment I realize that he is not wearing what I put him to bed in. I wonder how the hell he got his clothes on. I thought that he was going through so much pain that he would not be able to walk up the stairs with assistance, "How did you get dressed" I ask.

"My mother and father came over" he answered.

"So you mean to tell me that your mother and father came over with me sleeping in that chair, and you never cared to think about waking me up before they arrive" I ask.

"I am pretty sure that my did not think anything of it. My parents like you. My mother just wishes that you would not snore so loud when you sleep" Ville says with a smile on his face.

"If you weren't already hurt I would kick your ass. I do not snore" I huff.

"In your country you call it sawing logs, here we just call it snoring. But the fact still remains that you were snoring around my mother. She said that she could not think because you were so loud. Sounded like you were sawing a whole rain forest" Ville said chuckling a little to himself. 

There was a knock at the door. Ville yelled for whoever it was to come in. The door slowly opened. A shorter man with black hair that was a hot mess walked in. He too was beautiful like everyone else that I have met so far. 

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