Chapter 15

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All of us sit in the front room wondering what is going to happen. Ville, Bam, and Missy worried if Aaron would get the police involved with the incident. I not only worried about the police, but also worried that Aaron might possibly try to get back at Ville. The image of the mans body laying on the floor when Val was raped appeared in my mind. I shutter at the thought that Ville would ever get anywhere close to being that hurt. 

Ville sits by me on the couch smoking a cigarette. His puffs are not as long and savory as they are when he is calm and relaxed. The look in his eyes show signs of worry. I lay my hand on his thigh and run it gently across to try to calm him down. Ville reaches his hand out and grabs my hand removing it from touching him. My heart breaks at the thought of him denying me access to touch him. I wonder what all he is thinking about, and start to think that maybe he is rethinking his decision on being with me. I wonder what it was that he said in Finnish and wonder if it had anything to do with telling Aaron that he can take me back.

Bam sits on the recliner and Missy sits on the floor in front of the recliner laying her head in Bam's lap. Bam is running his fingers through her hair. Both of them have the look of dread on their faces. The room is filled with silence as we all wait the outcome of the prior events. 

Hours pass by with no sign of the police or Aaron's retaliation. A knock echoes from the front door. Ville takes one last puff off of his cigarette and puts it in the ash tray before he stands to his feet. He walks to the door and greets the apartment manager. 

Ville invites him to come into the apartment, his voice so welcoming. The apartment manager walks into the front room of the apartment. He stands there for a moment looking at all of our faces, "Well Ville, you won the contest and have free rent for 6 months" he says in a rather chipper tone.

"Thank you for letting me know that... but my main concern is with what happened right after the performance" Ville answers back.

"He was going to call the police. Donna stopped him saying that everyone seen what he did to start the fight. She was able to convince him that calling the police would be a bad idea. So you all have Donna to thank for that." the apartment manager said.

My eyes shoot up at hearing his words. I start to wonder what I will do to say thank you to Donna. My mind starts to wonder into baking her cookies and giving them to her tomorrow.

"I just want to let everyone know that I am done with all these childish games. I came here to get away from drama and have to get put right back into drama. So after giving it some thought, I just want to say that I will be moving out. I know that I cant take anymore and I am sure that you would love for all the drama to fade away as well. However, I am sure that Nick will love the 6 months free rent." Ville says.

I begin to dissect everything that Ville just said. He never said that him and I will be moving, he just said that it was him that is going away. Ville looks back at me, his face and eyes scream seriousness. I feel my eyes start to tear up. I look around the room and see everyone looking at me. I turn and run out of the room and into Ville's room and shut the door. I throw myself on his bed and sob loudly. Letting go of all the hurt. I feel my heart breaking and the pieces falling to the floor. I am engulfed in his scent coming from his pillows, it only makes me hurt more that I will soon never be able to smell that again. All of my worst fears are coming true and there is nothing that I can do. I know that it must be hard on him to put up with Aaron, but I tried to warn him. I tried to stop this. It was him that kept pushing, he was the one that made me fall for him and let my guard down. Yet, now I am stuck holding the broken images, the broken words, the false promises, and the desire that falls into a black abyss. I am stuck in the darkness that I have created. I am stuck in the darkened room and cdie for his love. I begin to wonder what it would have been like if he had just listened to me and stayed away.

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