Chapter 28

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"Nooooooo" I hear Ville scream.

I stand to my feet and run to his side. His eyes are closed tight. He thrashes around the couch as if trying to fight off someone. I stand my distance to avoid getting hit by accident. He lets out a painful scream the harder he thrashes. 

My heart falls down into my stomach as I watch his torturous dance. I would think that he must be in pain from all of this. I run to the kitchen and pour a glass of milk for him. I run back into the front room where he continues to move violently, fighting off the demons in his dreams. 

I retrieve the bottle of pain pills from the coffee table, and run back to Ville's side, "Ville wake up darling" I tell him in the most comporting voice that I can manage.

"Somebody, help me please" he begs.

"Ville I am here darling. You are okay... Just wake up" I tell him in a louder voice.

His eyelids shut tighter and his face looks like he is in pain. He trashes harder and faster as if he really is panicked and fighting something. I set the bottle of pills and the glass of milk on the floor. I know that I have to get him awake before he hurts himself in real life. 

"It burns" he yells. 

I lay my hand on his face, "Ville, wake up" I beg. I brush his hair back out of his face, "Ville, I'm here" I try to comfort him. I begin to deliver feather light kisses all over his face. I cup my hand around his cheek, "Ville, you are okay and going to be fine... I'll never let anything hurt you" I tell him.

I look at his body and see that there is a small amount of blood on his shirt. He thrashes around once more and collapses his arm down to the blood soaked spot. He lets out a scream after the impact. The spot is where his stitches are located from where he had the tube in the side of his chest. He must have ripped the wound open with his thrashing. 

I start to panic at the thought that I might have to get him to the hospital somehow, "Ville" I shout at him, willing him to wake up. 

His thrashing stops. I look at his face and see that his eyes are open and looking at me. Sweat beads around his face and his eyes red.

"You are safe" I tell him in a softer voice. I try to hide my panic, "You must have hit your side and made it bleed. I am going to check it and see if you did any damage" I try to tell him. 

Ville's face squints in pain. He nods his head, giving me the okay to lift his shirt and look at his wound. I slowly lift the bottom of his shirt up and soon expose his wound. I examine it, and see that the stitches still remain there and in tact. There is just some blood coming from the middle of the wound. 

"You have opened up the wound a little and now it is bleeding. I am going to get some stuff to clean you off and dress your wound up" I tell him.

I look up at his face and see that he is looking at me with loving eyes. My breath hitches as I see the most beautiful man in the world looking back at me. 

I stand to my feet and walk into the bathroom where I collect some tissue, antibiotic cream, gauze, and medical tape. I walk back to him and begin to rest the tissue on his wound, soaking up all the blood. 

"Are you okay" I ask.

He holds eye contact with me for a moment, "Yes, just in some pain right now" he answers.

I take the tissue away from the wound and lay it on the floor. From how the tissue looks he did bleed a decent amount of blood. I grab the antibiotic and twist the cap off. I squeeze a small amount on my index finger and apply it to the wound, trying to be as gentle as I can. I spread it around so that the wound has a thin layer of cream on it. I go back to the medical tape and start to tear smaller pieces off of the roll. When I am finished I take the gauze and cover his wound with it. I start to tape it into place on his body. As I do that I hear him moan a slight moan of pain from some of the pressure.

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