Chapter 37

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Aaron guides me into the house. When I enter the almost falling building I see that everything is covered with spider webs and dust. Almost looking like the third floor of Ville's tower, but this is much more sinister feeling than at Ville's house. The way that it looks like people just picked up and left the house as it sits, it almost feels like I am on some kind of horror movie set.

Aaron leads me through the house and to the back. I look around, trying to look at all I can in the dim lit rooms. The front room is only lit by the light of candles that are placed all around the room. The ceiling has a large hole in it, like the house is trying to cave in on itself. I don't see the night sky through the hole, so there must be some kind of attic in the house. The room is filled with decaying furnishings that look like they came from the 1970's. I know that Aaron would not make the effort to get all of the stuff into the house.  

When we get to the back of the house he opens the door to a small empty room with wooden floors. The boards on the floors are all rotting from the time that they have spent there with no care given to them what-so-ever. The room looks like some kind of place of seclusion, meant to keep me from the outside world, except there is a small window in the room. I wonder if I could every fit out of the window if I need to escape the house and Aaron.   

"This room will be your room. I don't know how long it will take to totally clean you from your fuck boy. Till you are fully clean you will be staying in this room. I refuse to share my bed with someone that is not clean," Aaron explains.

"That is an awfully horrible choice of words, since the girl that you let into our old apartment was playing with her disease filled lady parts on our bed," I banter back to him. 

After hearing enough of my mouth Aaron grabs a handful of my hair. He pulls it back as if to warn me that he he means business about not wanting to hear any of my mouth. It hurts, but it is not all that bad since he is pulling a large handful of my hair. He shoves me into the bedroom. I stumble over a plank of wood that is slightly poking up out of the floor. I put my arms out in front of me to try to catch my fall. After I fall to the ground I turn myself around and watch him so that I never have my back turned on him. There is no telling what he has planned for me and I don't want to let my guard down. 

"I am going to go and get your first bath prepared. This will be the first in many baths to try to rid you of all your unclean parts," Aaron informs me.

He turns around and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him and locking it. I hear his footsteps walking away. I stand to my feet and look around the room. Looking for a hiding spot. I check the rotten wooden flooring for any loose boards. All of the boards seem pretty loose, just not loose enough that I am able to pull it up without some effort and take a risk of Aaron hearing me when I do it. 

I make my way to a corner of the room that is darkened way more than the rest of the room. I touch the boards and they crumble away beneath my fingers. For a moment I think that I can put the stuff that I brought in the hole. But then I think of how Aaron use to be before. He use to think that the slightest hole anywhere, it was holding a camera to catch his every move. I kind of want to keep the stuff that I brought, so I decide to keep looking for a place to put them to where they are hidden. I only have a limited amount of time to put them somewhere before Aaron comes to get me.

There is a door in the bedroom. I walk to the door and open it up. I jump back as the smell fills my nose and the site burns my eyes. It is Kelly. She is naked, dead, and gutted like a deer from a hunter. Her insides to her stomach flowing out of her body and in her lap. Some of her insides drape off of her lap and rest on to the floor. Her eyes are sunk into her head, but wide open in an expression of horror. I wonder if that is the last expression that she had before she died.

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