Chapter 24

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I open my eyes. I am in a room that I do not recognize. I look around the room and to see if I know where I am. Memories come flooding back to me. Ville in the house and the house exploding into a ball of flames. I look at the other side of the bed and do not see Ville anywhere. Tears rush out of my eyes. The room is quiet, other than the ticking of a clock that is hung on the wall. I start to sob thinking the worst has happened to Ville. I cry out his name, pain swallows me, sorrow covers me like a blanket. 

Torsti runs through the door. He stops and takes a look at me. He walks over to the bed and sits by me. He wraps his arms around me and I cry on his shoulder. He pats my back in a sympathetic way.

"Where is Ville?" I ask.

"Ville is in the hospital right now. His room is guarded so that nothing else happens to him" Torsti tells me.

"How bad is he" I ask.

"It has been touch and go all night long. Sammi and Rose have been with him all night long, to make sure that he is okay. He has a punctured lung, broken ribs, his arm is broken, third degree burns here and there around his body, he inhaled a lot of smoke, and they do not think that he will ever be able to sing again due to the massive amount of damage that he got when he inhaled all of the smoke. He is on several machines that is monitoring him and keeping him alive. He is on a morphine drip to numb some of the pain" Torsti tells me. 

I start to cry harder knowing that Ville is barely alive, is in pain, and may never be able to sing anymore, "I should have got to him faster... I should have never let him go back inside the house to get his phone" I cry.

"Don't say that. You are a hero. You saved his life. I thought with as big of an explosion as I seen, Ville was sure to be dead. But you went in and saved him" Torsti tells me. 

"I want to see him" I tell Torsti.

"Well get up and get dressed" Torsti tells me.

My heart leaps knowing that I will be able to see Ville. I look down at my body and notice that I am wearing a pajama set. Last thing that I remember was I was not even wearing a shirt, "I will get dressed right now. But first can you tell me a couple of things" I ask. Torsti nods his head, "Where are we at and how did I get these pajamas on?"

"We drove Ville straight to the hospital. So we did not even leave town. I guess that we will just keep switching hotels so that Aaron wont be able to find us. I have talked to the hotel staff and we have been granted permission to park our cars in the back of the hotel so that Aaron can not see them if he went driving around to try to find us. Last night I brought you back here and gave you a bath. I was the one that put your pajamas on" Torsti explained.

"So you mean to tell me that you seen me naked" I asked.

"Well I don't think that I can properly wash you if you had on all of your clothes. But don't worry, you are my friends woman. So there is nothing between us and there never will be anything between us, just a friend helping out another friend is all" Torsti tries to assure me.

Torsti stands to his feet and walks to the door of the room, "Now if I answered all of your questions I will leave you alone so that you can get ready. I have to fold the blankets up from when I slept on the couch last night" he said as he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him.

I walked to the closet and dug out a gym bag. I pulled it out and seen that it was filled with Ville's clothes. At this point I do not want to waist any more time. I want to go and see him and I want to do it as quick as I can. I throw on a pair of Ville's pants and his "Misfits" shirt. I walk into the bathroom and brush my hair and teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and through the bedroom. I walk into the front room and seen Torsti folding up the last of the blankets. I see my shoes sitting by the front door. I walk over to them and slip them on. Normally I would never wear my shoes without socks, but this is one of those times when I can are less about comfort and smell. When I finish getting my shoes on I turn to Torsti.

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