Chapter 30

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Missy stands in front of me with her arms crossed like she is going to lecture me. I know that she really does not agree with my wishes, "I do think that Ville has a right to know. After all he is the one that is being threatened in the whole thing."

I look at her like a deer caught in headlights. Frozen in a way. I wonder if she will tell Ville behind my back since she feels that way, "It does not mean that I will keep it from him forever. I will tell him. But it will be when he is doing better and the whole thing with Aaron dies down. He should not be worrying in his condition and in the long run if he does a lot of worrying while he is laid up like this then it may effect his healing."

Missy still stands with her arms folded. Her eyes start to wander around the room like she is thinking about what to say next, "I wont tell Ville. I will ask Bam not to tell Ville. But you know as well as I do that Bam does not always listen to others. I am sure that if he thinks that Ville should know, then he will tell Ville regardless of what I ask."

Missy does make a good point. I know that this would be something that Bam would tell Ville, "Is there a way that we can do this without Bam knowing anything? I just feel that Ville has been going through a lot lately. He has to worry about his own well being and me. I think that he has dealt with enough out of me. I just don't want him to have to keep dealing with stuff that I have brought on. I feel that if he does then I will be asked to leave his life. And I love him more than anything and do not want that to happen."

Missy's hard stare begins to lighten up, "Do you think that is what is going to happen if Ville finds out?"

I nod my head in silence. I know that if I were in his shoes there would come a time that I would have to say that enough is enough, "Wouldn't you try to end things with Bam if things kept going like this. I know that if you love someone you will put up with a lot. But this whole thing is a little overboard, don't you think?"

Missy lowers her arms to her side in defeat. The air begins to thin out between us. I know that she is just looking out for her friend and all. But I also know that she understands my side of things as well. Why would she not understand, I know that if she was in Ville's shoes she would probably dump the person too. 

"You're right," Missy admits, "I don't know how we can get it done without Bam's help though. Bam is the one that would know more about this stuff than I would. I know that there is a very good chance that he will tell Ville if I told him. I will tell you this, I am tired of this crazy fucking ex that you have. I know that it is not all of your fault. But my god, we have to rebuild our home because of this bastard."

A ping of guilt slowly washes over me. Like I am the one to blame for the house being messed up. I know that in a way it all is kind of my fault because it is my ex that did all of it. To my knowledge, I don't think that anything has been said about it so far. I know that Ville will most likely offer to pay for all of the damages. But it is not his fault why it happened. I should be the one that pays for all of the damage that has been done. 

"I am so very sorry Missy about the whole thing with the house. I know that it is all my fault and if there is anything that I can do to help matters I will do it."

Missy lets out a hardy laugh, "Trust me you don't need to do anything. That is what insurance is for."

The laughter dies down into a pit of nothing. Leaving us to sit in silence and try to think of a way to make everything better. It seems that there is nothing that we will be able to do without Bam's help. The idea of stopping him at the airport is a wonderful idea and will work. However, the uncertainty of Ville finding out or not is a little unsettling. 

"We should go downstairs. I am pretty sure that the boys are wondering what happened to us," I tell Missy as I walk to the stairs.

Missy follows behind me, "They probably think that we are up to no good. And that is not to far from the truth."

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