Chapter 23

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I can not believe what I am hearing. Either one of us has to stay back for a few days or all of us will have to stay back. I don't think that I could handle not being with Ville for all that long if it were one of us that would be the ones that stay back. I know that he would be the one that said that he will be the one that stays back. 

"Why don't we all stay back for a few days so that we all go together" Sammi says. I feel relieved that I am not the one that makes that suggestion. 

"We are all in danger here right now. The longer that we stay the more danger that we will be in" Ville says, "I will stay back while you guys go on without me. We will meet up in a few days. I will call Bam and Missy to meet you guys at the airport".

My heart falls into the pit of my stomach at the thought that Ville will stay back and possibly die. I know Aaron all to well and know that the longer that we stay in this house the stronger our chances are of paying the price.

"Look, the longer that we stay here the stronger our chances are of being hurt by him. Right now he is probably pissed off beyond belief and is planning on making us all pay for kicking him off the property and threatening to kick his ass. So regardless of what plan we will be taking, it has to start with us leaving this house" I tell everyone.

I feel a feeling of unease rush over me. I start to panic for a moment. I try to hide everything because I do not want everyone else fearful. But I know that something big will happen and that it is all a matter of time. Time that we may not have, and the longer that we sit and fuss over who will stay back the longer that Aaron has to put some type of plan into action.

"Why don't we just pack up the cars with all the stuff that we are going to need and discuss this while we are on the road somewhere. Because it was just said that the longer we stay here the longer our greater our chances are of getting hurt by this freak of nature" Torsti says.

"I agree with Torsti. We all have to leave right now" I tell everyone.

"And what am I going to tell Bam and Missy?" Ville asks.

"Just tell them that our lives are more important than their house. It is the truth. Look at what he did to Risto" Sammi says.

"If we leave now the safer their house is. Aaron is wanting us not the house" I tell Ville.

"Where the hell are we going to go? Any ideas?" Ville asks.

"Why don't we drive for a couple of hours and find a hotel somewhere" Sammi's girlfriend suggests.

Torsti looks in her direction, "I am so sorry but I do not think that any of us caught your name with all the stuff that has been happening".

"It's Rose" she replies.

Ville moves his hand and starts to dig through his pocket. He pulls out his phone and starts to dial a number. He lifts the phone up to his ear and waits.

"Who is he calling?" I ask Torsti.

"I think that he is calling Bam and Missy. I know that he feels bad that they open up their home to us and that we have to go and abandon it" Torsti explains.

Ville says hello, greeting the party on the other end of the phone. He moves around a little and I get up off of his lap. Ville stands to his feet and walks out of the room.

"Maybe Bam can make this all a little easier for us" Sammi says.

"Or Bam is going to be really pissed that we have chosen to leave the house" Torsti adds.

"I am sorry I don't know what is going on" Rose adds in.

I look at her a little shocked that she is still here. I completely forgot about her for a moment. I am too focused on what is happening and how we are going to get out of it, "This all stems from me" I tell her, " Aaron is my ex-boyfriend. He is a drug dealer and user, he is an abuser, and he is a cheater. Ville and I met at the apartment that we were all staying at. Ville and I took a liking to each other. But nothing ever happened between us. Till one day I found that Aaron was cheating on me with Kelly. I found out about that in the most horrible way that I would rather not talk about, because it is pretty graphic. So then Ville and I make a go at the whole relationship thing. But then Aaron causes a massive amount of trouble for us. He thinks that Ville and I was sleeping together before he got with Kelly. He is set to hurt us. That is why he got Risto. He is trying to hurt everyone around me because he knows that will be the thing that hurts me the most. So now that we have collected a lot of information on him we are trying to get away before he hurts one of us again. That is why I think that if you stay with us that will be the safest place. I know that if you are alone and Aaron thinks that you have talked to us he will kill you. I know him all too well" I try to explain.

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