Chapter 39

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Aaron turns away from me. He walks over to the closet. My heart pounds harder and faster as I think about him finding all of the stuff that I brought with me and am hiding up on top of the shelf. He opens the door exposing Kelly's corpse. He opens up her purple lifeless lips. Her purple swollen face does not budge as he opens her lips. Her body looks like it is undergoing the second or third stage of decomposition. The smell of rotting flesh overwhelms the room. I look away as Aaron shows his true necrophilia nature.

My stomach starts to turn and I feel sick as I think of how Aaron is now desecrating Kelly's dead body. Never in my life did I ever think that I would meet someone so sick and vial. It makes me sick thinking about how I even ended up with that man. His extreme sexual hunger I never thought would get to be this sick. I actually am feeling sorry for Kelly. Nobody deserves this kind of treatment, even after they are dead.

I crawl to the furthest corner away from him. I pull my knees close to my body and bury my face in my knees as I cover my ears. I think of Ville's sweet face as tears fall from my eyes and roll down my thighs. My heart feels like it is going to break into little pieces and scatter over the floor. I miss Ville so much.  

I can hear the muffled wet sopping sounds that almost sound like an old wet mop. Just the sound of it sickens me to the core and I want to vomit even more. My body begins to shake uncontrollably and I feel like I can't breath any oxygen. I try to take a couple of deep breaths and calm myself down, but it is not working. I have come to the realization that I might be going through a panic attack. I have heard of this before. But I have never experienced one first hand. It feels like I am drowning in a pool of water. No matter how much I try I can't shake it.  

I try to think of other things to wipe away what is happening. The only thing that I can think of is Ville so I focus on thoughts of him. The way that the sun always shines it's rays through our window in the morning and kisses his exposed skin. The way that he holds me and I always feel like that is the safest place in the world to be. The way his warm lips always touch my skin and seem to warm up my whole body. The way that he gives me his coat when I am cold. The way that I can always see the love in his eyes. The way that he always seems to have a way with making me feel special. My breathing starts to even out and my shaking body is at rest.  

I miss Ville so much and I would not be doing this if I thought that there was some other way. But the simple fact about it is that I know that without me doing this then it would only be a matter of time till Aaron came after him as well. But this time Ville would probably die from it. I know that Aaron must feel enraged about the fact that he thought that he had it planned out that Ville would die when the house blew up. To be honest I think that Aaron thought that all of us would have died in that explosion.

The wet noises begin to quiet down and I hear a faint grunt come from Aaron. I wonder why in the hell he thinks that I am so dirty, enough to where he would rather commit acts of necrophilia. It is not that I would rather him think that I am clean enough to do the same thing to me. To be honest I don't want him anywhere near me with sex on his brain. But I just wonder why he would view me as the dirty one. But then again I would rather wonder why he thinks that than to fight about how clean I am and run the risk of him agreeing that I am clean enough to desecrate.

I hear Aaron zip up his pants. I turn my head around and watch him as he shuts the closet door. Aaron stares at Kelly's corpse as he closes the door. After the door clicks shut he turns and looks my way, "Well, I think that I better get some sleep. After all tomorrow is a huge day for us."

I stare at him, puzzled as to what he is talking about. However, nobody can really guess what he is thinking about all the time. He is so scatterbrained and out of his mind that he would give a trained professional a run for their money if they tried to look into his brain, "What are you talking about," I ask, almost scared to hear the answer.

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