Chapter 32

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I open up the front door to the tower and walk in. I try to keep a calm face in front of Ville despite how I truly feel. I am stunned with pure terror. I wonder how long is it going to take before Aaron wants me to go to him. I wonder what will happen in between now and when I have to go. I know that I am no longer risking Ville's health in anything anymore. 

I love Ville beyond what normal words would say. I would give up my own life if it means that Ville will never have to go through any type of pain again. I know that Aaron must mean business since he has come all the way to another country to find me. I just do not see why he would go through this whole thing just for me when it was him that got the new girlfriend first. But Aaron thought that Ville and I were sleeping with each other before the other girl ever entered the picture and there is no way that you can tell that man anything different than what he already thinks.

Ville peers his head out of the kitchen, "Did you get the mail?"

I dump all of the papers on to the coffee table, "Yeah, all of it is for you. Surprise, Surprise," I try to laugh out in a nonchalant tone. 

"Come here, I have something that I want you to try," Ville shouts out from the kitchen.

"Hold on, I have to go to the bathroom," I yell back. 

I retrieve the letter addressed to me and make my way to the bathroom. As soon as I cross the threshold I shut the door behind me and lock it. When inside I frantically search for somewhere to put the letter so that I can hide it away till I have more of an opportune time to properly dispose of it. I open up the small cupboard where the towels are kept and shove the letter under the piles of folded towels.

As soon as I am happy with the place that I hid the letter I open the door and make my way to the kitchen. Ville stands at the counter with a proud look on his face. I know that he is happy with how his food has turned out. In front of him resting on the counter is a bowel that is filled with fresh vegetables that is covered in some type of clear oil. Ville takes a fork from the dish drainer and stabs a couple of the vegetables. He hovers the fork around my mouth till I open it up to take a bite of his latest creation.   

As soon as the food touches my tongue I am blown away at what this man can do in a kitchen. Now I know why it is so easy for him to be a vegetarian. It is like I am not just tasting the raw vegetables in it, but I am also tasting hints of olive oil, garlic cloves, and many other things.

I let out a hum of approval as I chew the food. As soon as Ville hears the hum a smile stretched from ear to ear plasters on his face. I know that he likes it when I show how much I like what he does. It really shocks me when he acts this way. Almost like he is seeking some type of female approval. I wonder what has happened during his previous relationships for him to be this way, because I know that his mother is always his biggest fan. 

His mother calls him every day now that he is back and she knows that he has been hurt. She has offered to come over and help take care of him and clean up around the house. Ville has turned her down every time she has offered. He wanted to get through this whole thing together, and that is what we did. 

"You know, I have never tasted such wonderful food till I have met you," I confess to Ville. 

Ville smiles wide, showing off his winning smile and charm, "It is just something new that I have done. For dinner tonight we will be having Korvasienimuhennos. That is basically a mushroom stew. We will also have steamed vegetables to go along with that. For dessert we will be having Riisipuuro. It is basically a rice pudding. Normally we have it during the holiday season. But I am having a huge craving for it," Ville informs me.

I wrap my arms around Ville and pull him into me, "I am sure that whatever you cook will be wonderful," I inform him before planting a kiss on his cheek. Feeling his flesh against my lips.

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