Chapter 48

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I start to scream as loud as I can, in hopes the nurses at the station can hear me and know that this is an emergency. Nurses file into the room. I scream at them to save my baby. They rush to the bedside and lift up the blankets. Another nurse runs into the room with more of the fluid that they gave me. She shuts the door behind her and walks up to the IV. Three nurses begin to change my padding and blankets while trying to contain the bleeding. 

With everyone rushing around the room it puts me into a high alert mode. I fear that I might loose this baby. What if this is the time that I really miscarry my little baby? Commotion and clatter fills the room. The nurse screaming orders to the others and screaming to get the doctor. 

Tears begin to fill my eyes as I think that this is the final moments of me being pregnant. My baby is good as gone. It is my karma. I seem to hurt those around me. Those who really give a damn about me. I seem to be nothing than someone who brings pain and misery to everyone that I meet. 

I turn and look at Missy who is looking on at me in horror. Tears fall from my eyes as I begin to think that I can't even keep the baby that I have inside of me. Terror set in me and my tears run down my cheeks like tiny rivers. Missy looks my way and offers me a assuring hand to take hold of. 

While the nurse fills the IV with the fluid I begin to feel sick again. Everything at this moment starts to seem more bleak and dim. It seems that all the efforts to keep the baby are all in vain. I hear the door open to the room. I don't hear the sound of the doctor's voice after the door shuts like I normally do. I hear the nurses yelling at whoever it is that they will have to leave. I turn my head to see who the hell it is that is causing the nurses to sound like they are loosing their minds. 

That is when the world and my heart stops. I blink my eyes a couple of times to make sure that I am not dreaming anything. He is standing at the door. His eyes reddened like he has spent days crying his heart out. My everything stands in the doorway with the door wide open. 

"Let him in. He has more right to be here than I do," Missy yells at the nurses. 

Ville stands at the door like he is frozen. The only way I can tell that he is even still alive right now is by the blinking of his eyes. His skin turns alabaster as he tries to put everything together. A nurse runs behind him and pushes him further into the room so they can shut the door. 

Everything around me seems to stop and grows quiet the more that it sinks in that he is here with me. The yelling and chatter stop in an instant. The nurses disappear. The sickness stops on a dime. My prince charming is standing in front of me and the world melts away into nothing. The only two that are here is him and I. Everything that I have fought for is all coming to light. 

I have spent so many moments thinking about him and wishing that he were with me and now he stands in front of me. I want to jump out of the bed and wrap my arms around him. I want to tell him that everything will be okay. I want to shower him with kisses all over his sweet face and never let go of him. 

the reddened skin around his eyes scream to me that he needs me and I know that I need him more than he will ever know. He fills my thoughts and has been visiting me in my dreams. 

Missy gets out of her chair and walks to him. Her movement does not register to him as he is caught in his moment. Probably in denial that I am in front of his face and scared that I will hurt him again. He is not phased by her presence. She slinks over to his side, "Come on Romeo, your Juliet needs you," she tells him as she takes him by the hand and leads him to the chair that she was sitting in. 

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