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Hiccup's P.O.V.

After a wonderful night's sleep with Astrid by my side, I wake up to breakfast in bed. Astrid made me french toast with hashbrowns and eggs on the side. I never asked her to make me breakfast, but she insisted on doing so. She also told me to stay in bed and to eat my food while she took care of the dishes and prepped a bath so I may take a shower.

I never once asked her to do any of this. I even tried telling her to not worry about it, but she can be quite stubborn when she wants to be. When I let her have the victory, I put a mental note in the back of my head to make it up to her once I'm able to move around and function like a normal human being again. She may try to resist then, but I will make sure she is even more spoiled than how she's treating me now. I mean it's only fair, right?

After having taken my shower and making my way downstairs with Astrid's help, it was about time to pick up my daughter, Heaven, and my dog, Toothless. I feel like I haven't seen Heaven in days and I would love to hold her close again. Not only that, but I feel like I haven't seen Toothless in a while either. It'll be nice to see my bud again.

I sit on the couch and adjust my prosthetic to make it more comfortable. It takes me a couple of minutes to get the adjustment right so I don't end up pinching myself later, though I doubt no matter the adjustment, it's going to constantly be uncomfortable. I'm supposed to be getting a prosthetic made just for me, but the doctors said it wouldn't be ready for at least a few weeks. That means I'll have to deal with this leg until the specialized one comes in.

Once the prosthetic is in a position that I'll be able to manage, I continue to sit on the couch and wait for Astrid to finish getting ready. After she helped me downstairs, I told her to get herself ready. It wouldn't be fair if only one of us was allowed to freshen up and the other wasn't.

While I was waiting, I decided to give my parents a call to let them know Astrid and I were going to come over. I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial my mother's number before bringing the phone up to my ear.

After a couple of rings, I hear her voice appear on the other line. "Hello?"

"Hey, mom!" I smile.

"Hiccup! Oh, it's so nice to hear your voice! How are you?? Feeling any better??" She asks with a little bit of worry mixed into her voice.

With a slight chuckle, I answer. "Yes mom, I am. Besides the prosthetic, I feel fine! How are you and dad?"

"We are both wonderful! Very happy to know your feeling better."

"Good!" I smile. "I'm calling to let you know that Astrid and I will be coming over to pick Heaven and Toothless up."

"Oh, wonderful! Heaven will be so happy to see you!" She says joyfully. And as if on cue, I hear Heaven in the background.

"Is that daddy?! Can I talk to him?!"

With a slight chuckle from my mother, I hear her hand the phone down to my 5-year-old daughter who eagerly answers. "Daddy!!"

"Hey, Princess! How are you??" I ask.

"Good!!!" She giggles."I miss you!"

"I miss you too Princess, and so has Astrid. We'll be coming over in a little bit to pick you and Toothless up." I explain.

I hear her voice squeal with excitement. "Yay!!"

"I hope you've been good for grandma and grandpa."

"I have! I've been a good girl!" She confirms. "I helped grandma make breakfast today!"

"Oh, I'm so proud of you! What did the two of you make?" I asked.

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