Now We're Getting Somewhere

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I stare at the coffee in my hand, thinking about all the past 24 hours. Just yesterday, we were having the time of our lives, playing, cooking, and spending time as a family. And now she is gone. I don't know where she is and the police have been spending the past 8 hours trying to figure out where she could be. They spent the first 4 hours telling us there was nothing they could do. That she was with her mother and that there was nothing wrong with that. But Merida has never been her mother. She's never acted like her mother and she certainly never cared about her. She couldn't even tell her she loved her.

The cup bursts in my hand, spilling coffee all over the table and me. I silently curse as a gentle hand takes mine. Looking up, Astrid gives me a small smile and squeezes my hand. She stands and presses a kiss to my temple before cleaning up the mess surrounding me. I stay in place, not bothering to clean the coffee from my shirt. My gaze wanders as my thoughts continue to think about my missing Heaven. My little girl is gone and I can't do anything about it.

Small arms wrap around my neck as another kiss is placed on my temple. Slowly, I rest a hand on Astrid's, letting her touch soothe me the best that it can. We stay like that for a while, her head on mine, in complete silence. The only noise around us is the sound of my parents, chatting with one another and whoever they can get to help us. The police don't seem as helpful as they should be.

A knock sounds, catching our attention. We all look over toward the noise, seeing the officer in the doorway with a packet in his hand. Astrid keeps her hands on my shoulders as the officer walks in, toward the table we're currently at.

"Any news?" Astrid asks.

He takes a breath before answering. "Yes and no. We were finally able to get word from the judge that yes, indeed, Hiccup had full custody of Heaven."

"Alright, we knew that. But what have you found regarding the location of Heaven?" She asks, tightening and loosening her grip.

"Well, you mentioned that Merida was the one who captured her from the daycare. We got the footage and reviewed it, seeing that it was a red curly-haired woman who checked her out. Apparently, she was wearing a green crop with a pair of jeans." He answers.

"Sounds like her." Hope chimes.

"We used the traffic cams to follow her but it stops right at the edge of town," He continues. "From the looks of it, she left town several hours ago."

"She what?!" I yell, "She left town?! With my daughter?!"

He nods, "Technically, she's her daughter as well."

"That woman has not been a part of my daughter's life for the past 6 months. You saw she's not allowed to have custody of my daughter or even be near her unless I give her permission. I certainly did NOT give her permission to pick her up from daycare." I shout, standing to my feet.

"Yes, you're right. But personally, I don't see the issue. She is with her mother and from looking at her finances, she's well off. She has a constant flow of money coming in and she has a safe home. I don't see anything wrong with Heaven being with her."

Astrid steps in front of me, blocking me from attacking the man who doesn't seem to care. Everything that he's saying sounds like bullshit! I certainly feel it. I don't think he's even done a whole lot to help me find her.

"Bullshit!" My father's voice carries, filling the room. "If I know anything about the law, it's that you wouldn't dare go against the word of the court and say it's 'okay'. We've been here for the entire night and you haven't ONCE proved that you are able to help us find my granddaughter. If you don't find me another officer in the next 5 minutes, I will make sure my daughter-in-law lives up to her word and that you will be out of a job."

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