New Book!! (And Help!!)

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Hey Everyone!!!

I understand your probably upset because this isn't a chapter, but I just wanted to let you all know that I just published a new book! For those of you who are Hamilton Fans, like myself, I work a book you might hopefully like.

The book is called "The Writer's Love". It's for all those people who are major fans of Hamilton, like myself.

The book is based in the same time period but! But it is a bit different. Hamilton is an author who writes about the war, that was basically the only reason he was in the war. There might be other stuff but I'm not going to say!

And Eliza, well, she volunteers at a book store. That's the only thing I'll say about her.

Anyways, if you wish to read the Prologue, it's already up and ready to be read! I thank you all and promise to publish soon!!

But, I need your help to figure out what to do in the next chapter before I can update! So if you have ideas, please let me know!!

Thank you all!!

Bye for now!


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