Some Fun in the Park

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Astrid's P.O.V.

As I prep myself for the next dance class, I hear the chime of a door opening. I look over to see the cutest little auburn haired girl and her very charming father. She runs towards me as I kneel to the floor to give her a big hug. "Oh I'm so happy to see you!"

She giggles as I hug her tightly; "I missed you today!"

"I missed you too!" I kiss her head and hold her in my arms a few seconds longer before letting her go. As I do, she looks to me with a wide smile before speaking; "I have something for you!"

"You do?" As the question exits my mouth, she is already running to her dance bag in her father's hands. I stand up as I watch her dig through her bag to soon pull out a folded piece of paper. She runs back to me and holds it out by stretching her little arms forward. I thank her as I take the paper out of her hand and start unfolding it. As the paper unfolds, I see a drawing of what looks to be me and her holding hands in a field of flowers. "Oh this is beautiful! I love it!" I kneel down again and give her a big hug with a kiss on her forehead. "I will cherish this forever."

She giggles and smiles as she hugs me one more time before letting go. I smile and stand up to look at her father dressed in a simple shirt and jeans. The sparkle in his emerald eyes makes his smile shine brighter. I smile back as I feel a flutter of butterflies in my stomach. Even though we've seen each other a lot lately and shared a kiss the night before, I can't seem to get over that mesmerizing smile he has.

We both look to each other for a moment with smiles on our faces before one of us goes to speak; but, before either of us has a chance to get a word out of our mouth, the door chimes again as a small group of girls run in with their dance bags toward the back wall. Both Hiccup and I hear squealing from the little one next to us and watch as she runs her way to some of her friends. We both chuckle as we watch her hug her friends and talk about whatever it is little girls talk about.


I look back over to see Hiccup smiling at me. "Hey, how was your father daughter day?"

He smiles like a goof and places his hands in his pockets before answering. "It was a wonderful day. We even made lemon bars."

"What? Lemon bars? What about the lemon bars I gave you earlier today? Where did they go?" I slightly chuckle as I watch him blush nervously.

He chuckles nervously and glances toward Heaven before looking at me. "Let's just say I wanted to see how my baking compared to yours."

"Oh really? And how did that go?" I look at him with a raised eyebrow as he smiles nervously.

"Well, Heaven may have thought mine were good until she tasted yours, then I knew I lost. Your bars would be gone by now if I didn't take the bag away from her."

We both share a laugh and a smile. "Well, I'll be able to give you some pointers then when you come work at my mother's bakery tomorrow."

"Please do!" He nods and laughs before looking at me confused. "Wait... Tomorrow? Work at your mother's bakery?"

I nod and smile to him. "I talked to my mother this morning after you left the shop. She said she's willing to hire you on until your able to find a different job. Though she also said she will not be going easy on you."

He smiles widely. "Well, please do tell her thank you, and that I will work as hard as I possibly can.... With a little help of course."

"Well, of course." I smile in return as more students walk into the studio and start prepping for class. I look to him for a few more moments before taking a breath. "I should probably finish getting ready for class. It's going to start soon."

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