Start To The Morning

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning to see Astrid sleeping peacefully in my arms. She looks beautiful when she sleeps. I smile and gently brush away some hair that fell in front of her face throughout the night. She stirs a little but then calms down and continue to sleep with a smile on her face. I decide to plant a kiss on the top of her head and pull her close. She snuggles closer as I do so.

As I'm about to decide to go back to sleep, I hear a faint knock on the door and then see it open. I sit up on my elbow to see Heaven trotting into the room. She smiles when she sees I'm awake and tries her best to climb onto the foot of the bed. I chuckle quietly and carefully sit up to help her onto the bed. I keep forgetting how high my bed is until I see Heaven climb onto it. I've thought about getting her a step stool for my bed since she likes to join me so much.

"Daddy!" She giggles and hugs me once she's up.

I chuckle and hug her as I give her a kiss on the top of her head. "Morning princess, sleep well?"

She smiles and nods. "Yeah!" She giggles excitedly and looks over to see Astrid laying next to me. Her smiles grows and I notice her start to bounce a bit. "Astrid!"

"Shhh... hold on princess. Astrid is trying to sleep. We can't wake her up yet, she needs rest." I bring a finger to my lips to let Heaven know what I'm trying to say.

She sees it and blushes in embarrassment. "Oops.." She giggles quietly and uses her small hands to cover her mouth.

I chuckle quietly and smile before carefully getting out of the bed without waking Astrid. As I stand up, I feel Heaven jump onto my back and wrap her small arms around my neck. I groan a bit and laugh slightly before standing up and using my arms to hold her up. When I glance back to her, she smiles and plants one of her kisses on my cheek.

"Thank you princess, now should we go make some breakfast?" I whisper.

She nods excitedly which in turn makes me chuckle some more. I end up walking out of the room with her on my back and make my way downstairs. She giggles the entire way down as she keeps her arms around my neck. I smile and think back to all the other times we've done this. She usually comes into my room when she wakes up, either to wake me up or to sleep with me. Then when I'm up, we head down to the kitchen to start making breakfast for the two of us. But today, it's going to be for four of us since Astrid and her mother Ingrid are also here.

Once I walk into the kitchen, I go over to the counter and turn my back against it, allowing Heaven to sit there. She lets go of my neck when she's down and allows me to turn around. I smile to her and ruffle her messy auburn hair before heading to the cupboards to find something to make.

"Alright princess, what should we make today?"

I glance over to Heaven to see her with her thinking face on. She personally looks so cute with her face scrunched up like that. She does it all the time and I always wonder where she may have gotten it from. It looks like something I would do but I don't ever recall scrunching my face up like that.

"Waffles!" She squeals when she finally comes up with an answer.

I chuckle and take out the waffle mix. "Alright, then waffles it is! Should we put chocolate chips in them today?"

"Yes!" She giggles excitedly.

For the next 20 minutes, Heaven and I work on making the waffle batter for our waffles. I even pulled out our waffle iron to let that start warming up so it would be ready by the time we were done. I let her pour the batter into the iron as I close and spin it around. She knows she's not allowed to touch the machine but she loves to pour the batter and sprinkle the chocolate chips. It's one of her favorite things to do, so I let her do it.

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