Dinner Run-Ins

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Hiccup, Heaven, my mother and I all walk into the restaurant called 'Berks Enchanted Stardust Diner'. Heaven chose the location, she said it was one of her favorites. Apparently it's a mixture of a karaoke stand and a family restaurant. So, from the sounds of it, it's a restaurant where you can get all different kinds of entertainment.

After leaving the studio, we went to the bakery to grab my mother. We figured it would be nice to bring her out with us. We usually just end up going without her, but I feel like today she needs to come with. She doesn't get out much because of the bakery, so it's a good idea to bring her out whenever we can.

As soon as we all walk into the door, we hear lots of people singing as well as some blasting music. I immediately notice Heaven giggle with pure excitement as we enter the building. I smile and giggle myself before taking a moment to take in the place. There's a lot of posters and glowing signs everywhere and there's a variety of different seating. In the center of it all, is a stage where you can look to the upper balcony of the restaurant. There's two levels of seating; the bottom level which holds most people as well as the ones who decide to sing, and the top level which is about half the size of the top, but filled with a collection of tables for guests to sit at.

Currently, a young couple who seem to still be in high school sing a duet. The song they chose to sing was 'Sad Song'. I knew what it was immediately because I used to listen to it all the time. It's a wonderful song but it surprises me that a young couple would sing it.

Once we get to our table, my mother and Heaven sit on one side while Hiccup and I sit on the other. We sit at a booth, which has blue cushions and a table that looks like a galaxy. Hiccup immediately wraps his arm around me when we sit which puts a smile on my face. I lean up against him slightly and watch how Heaven becomes fascinated more with the table then with the coloring pages they gave her.

I chuckle a little bit as I watch her before looking down at the menu. They have a variety of all different kinds of meals. From simple family ones to crazy, out of this world kind of meals. There is such a collection that I don't even know what I want. I personally feel like I haven't seen half of these meals before.

After looking over the menus and ordering our food, I lean against Hiccup and watch as Heaven colors her pictures. My mother helps her color as well as play a few games of tic tac toe with her. Heaven has won most of the games but my mother has managed to win a few.

While we wait for our food, we hear a variety of people sing a variety of different songs. Some of them are really talented and others could use some practice. For the songs I know, I hum along with them.

I've always enjoyed music but I never really took the time to really appreciate it. I mainly just listen to music to figure out different dance routines I could teach the children. I don't really listen to it for personal enjoyment. I should try and do so more often though.

"So how do you like the place so far?" Hiccup asks as he pulls me closer.

I smile and look up to him. "I'm enjoying it pretty much. Mainly because I have Heaven, my mother, and you."

He smiles and leans in to plant a kiss on my lips but stops at the sound of Heavens voice.


We both look over to Heaven to see her staring at the stage. We follow her gaze to see Hiccup's ex-wife and my brother girlfriend, Merida. She stands on stage with a mic in her hand, ready to sing. She doesn't even seem to notice us, at least not yet.

With her gaze in a completely different direction, she starts to sing.

(Now Playing: Holding Out For A Hero by Jennifer Saunders)

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