House Tour

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

As I pull into my driveway, I glance over to see the look on Astrid's face. She's never been here before, except for the time she was the princess for Heavens birthday party. Otherwise she's never been here before. Nothing has changed though since her last visit.

It's a three bedroom house with a couple of bathrooms. It's a small two story, which makes it just about the right size for me and Heaven. We each get our own room as well as a spare for any guests that come over. So if Astrid does decide to stay the night, her mother can stay in the guest room. I'd say she could stay with Heaven in her room but her bed is still big enough for a young girl her age. I have to get her a big girl bed but then that means my princess is going up, and I don't want that.

The shingles on the outside of the house are a great with a dark roof. There's a porch in the front that allows room for a couple of chairs. There's a garage which is current filled with a lot of stuff. I still need to clear it out so I can get my car in there for the winter. The base is covered in brick and it drapes around the entire home. Th gutters are white, which makes them pop with the door and the railings. It's a wonderful place for us and I feel if Astrid and I were to get married in the future, which would be a long long while, we could grow our family here. I could even create more bedrooms if need be.

Astrid looks to the house with wide eyes and a surprised look. "This is your house?"

I chuckle and nod. "It is. Though you've been here before, haven't you?"

"I've been to so many houses when I worked as a Party Princess. I can't remember who lived where." She looks to me and chuckles a bit.

I chuckles and nod before turning the car off and stepping out. Before I have a chance to walk over and open Astrid's door, I see her door swing open and her head bop up. I frown a little bit before opening the door for her mother and helping her out. Her mother notices my slight frown and chuckles a bit.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of chances to be a gentleman. She's just very independent." She smiles and pats my shoulder.

I smile a little. "Thanks. That's good to know."

I look over toward the other side of the car to see Astrid opening Heavens door. I hear Heaven squeak from the inside as Astrid ducks her head in and unbuckles her. The way Astrid picks Heaven up and holds her, makes me think of a mother with her daughter. Astrid holds her close as Heaven wraps her little arms around her neck excitedly. I smile at them for a couple of moments before grabbing Heavens bag and locking up the car.

The four of us all head over to the front door. Astrid continues to hold Heaven and her mother stands next to the two of them, tickling her whenever she can get a clear zone. I pull my keys out and unlock the door, opening it for the group of ladies.

"Ladies first." I smiles and step to the side, holding out my arms for them.

"Well thank you! You're such a gentleman!" Astrid's mother smiles as she walks through the front door into the living space.

Astrid steps forward and smiles. "Thank you, how sweet of you."

I smile and look to both her and Heaven. "Well, it's only right to be a gentleman to two of my favorite people."

Astrid blushes and Heaven giggles. "Daddy!"

I chuckle and looks to her, her smile shines with her blue eyes as she looks to me. "Don't worry princess, you're one of them." I lean in and plant a kiss on her forehead which makes her giggle.

After I guide the girls into the house, I close the door behind me. I take my coat off and hang it up, repeating the process for everyone. I even take a moment to glance to see Astrid and her mother look around the room.

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