Quiet Night in the Haddock Home

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Hiccup's P.O.V. 

It's been 4 and a half months since my accident and I've slowly been getting better. I'm able to walk up and down stairs on my own and even drive a vehicle. I've been spending almost every day in my own custom prosthetic which I received a few months ago. This prosthetic is designed just for me and the nub on my leg. It's much more comfortable than the one I was wearing for the first week I was out of the hospital. 

Both Astrid and her mother have been staying with us every day for the past 4 months. It's been amazing having the two of them live here with Heaven and me. There are a few times when Astrid's mother would stay the night at the bakery, just because she wanted the comfort of her own home. I don't blame her, she's basically just staying with us to help with Heaven. Though, I feel she's a great addition to have in the house. Heaven loves spending time with her and I can tell Astrid loves having her mother nearby. I know I'd feel the same way if either of my parents had to move in with me. 

Recently, I've been thinking a lot about asking Astrid and her mother if they would move in permanently. I know Astrid's brother wouldn't want to take care of his mother, I never see him at the bakery, but I also know that Astrid would rather have her mother live with her instead of alone above the bakery. Ingrid, Astrid's mother, used to have cancer and is at risk of having it again. I remember Astrid telling me about it within our first couple of months. Personally, if my parents were at risk for relapsing and getting cancer again, I also would want them to stay with me. 

When it was just Heaven and me in the house, it still seemed big and kinda empty. There were only two of us at the time and there were days when it felt too quiet in the house. Personally, it didn't feel like home at the time. But with Astrid and her mother here with us, it feels more like home. It's a bit hard to explain, but the house feels more complete when they are here, especially Astrid. 

Even though Astrid and I have only been together for about 6-7 months, it still feels like she's been a part of my life since the beginning. The way she cares for Heaven as if she's her own amazes me. Not only does she care for Heaven, but she's also always helping everyone out. When my parents come over to join us for dinner, she's always in the kitchen helping me put stuff together or making sure my parents are happy. Though her mother seems to be getting along pretty well with my parents, which I think, is an excellent thing. 

There are some evenings when she'll come home after a long day of work at the dance studio, with Heaven in tow, and still heads to the kitchen to cook. There have been many times when I've tried to cook dinner, but she'll just tell me to go spend time with my daughter. I'll listen to her request sometimes, understanding she may want some time to herself. But other times, I'll hop in the kitchen with Heaven and tell Astrid to go relax. She's already helped me a lot, even before my accident, so, I think whenever I can try and help her, I will. There will even be days when I come home with a small gift for her, thanking her and letting her know that she also deserves lots of care. 

Currently, I am in the kitchen, getting a start on dinner before Astrid and Heaven get home. Tonight, it will just be Astrid, Heaven, and I for dinner. Astrid's mother is currently staying with my parents. They offered her a room at their place in case she ever wanted a different area to sleep. My mother has also recently started helping out at the bakery, working on the more business side of things so Ingrid can focus on staying healthy and baking. I still help out at the bakery a couple of times a week because otherwise, it's just Ingrid and sometimes Astrid. 

While working at the bakery, I've also been working on starting my own company. Finding someone to invest in an architecture company is actually really hard. I eventually allowed my father to be my investor. He kept asking me every week if I had found one. And every week, he would remind me that he would happily invest in the company if I let him do so. So, eventually, after a few months of rejection, I finally agreed to let him help me get a start in the company. So every week, my father and I will get together and have a chat about what things can and cannot happen. So far, he's actually been very helpful. I've been learning a lot about owning a business from him. 

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