Questions and Confessions

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling as I think of all the possible reasons why Merida continues to want custody over a daughter she doesn't care for. She spent all day yesterday trying to convince both me and the judge that she still loved Heaven. Telling us that she get's her gifts and spends long weekends with her. I know none of that is true because Heaven is always with me or with Astrid. She's never near Merida. The only times she's near Merida is when we run into her at the bakery or a restaurant which rarely happens.

When I talked with the lawyer yesterday after court, we discussed making notes of what happened throughout the day. If we can prove that Merida doesn't make time for her daughter and doesn't care for her, then I'll win the case. But being able to try and do that isn't going to be easy. We can't guarantee the notes won't be believed. We need to actually show proof of her doing other things throughout the day that don't include my daughter. Personally, the only kind of way that could happen is with a private investigator, or a spy.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a moment and try to clear my head of all these thoughts. I've been thinking about nothing other than what happened at court yesterday. There are other things that I need to do today so I can't let this court situation take control of me. I still have a daughter to take care of and a girlfriend to love. I won't be able to do either of those things if I'm thinking about Merida lying at court.

'Ring' 'Ring' 'Ring'

I look over toward my phone on the bedside table to see who's calling me. When I pick it up and look at the screen, I can see that it's Astrid. I smile to myself before answering.

"Well good morning." I begin.

"Daddy!!" I chuckle at the sound of the little girls voice on the other end of the line. And here I thought it was my beautiful girlfriend.

"Good morning princess! How are you?"

"Good!! Are you going to have breakfast with us?"

I smile. "I certainly can! I'll be there as soon as I can."

"Yay!! Daddy's coming for breakfast!" I hear her squeal and then a voice talk to her.

After a couple of seconds I hear Astrid's voice on the line. "Good morning babe."

I smile. "Good morning M'lady! You know I was a bit surprised when I heard Heaven's voice instead of yours."

She giggles. "I bet it was. She wanted to make sure you could at least get a good morning from her."

"That's my little princess." I smile. "Now, how was your day with Heaven yesterday?" I ask.

"I'll tell you when you get here. We're going to end up eating without you if you don't hurry up!" She states playfully.

I chuckle. "Alright! Alright! I'll be there soon. An hour at the latest."

"Alright! Hurry up! Some of us are very anxious to see you."

"I'm anxious to see you too." I grin.

When I go to say something else, I hear Heaven's voice flow through the phone. "Mommy!! Can you help me?!"

"Mommy?" I ask, becoming curious.

Astrid chuckles nervously. "I'll explain when you get here. See you soon!"

Before I have anytime to respond, the connection cuts out. I look down to my phone and think back to what I just heard. Did Heaven call Astrid 'mommy'? When did that happen?

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