Conversations And Lessons

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Are you even sure I'm doing this right?"

Astrid and I are in the bakery kitchen, making a pan of brownies. More like Astrid is trying to teach me how to make a pan of brownies without burning anything. I still don't believe she'll be able to get me good at baking. But since she insists on training me and helping me out, I can't decline. It's to refuse the most beautiful person in the world, especially when that person happens to be your beloved girlfriend.

"Yes! You are!" She chuckles and watches me from across the counter. She works on a sheet of caramel stuffed chocolate chip cookies as I work on my first batch of brownies.

I look to the bowl of my mixed ingredients in front of me. "How can I tell if it's mixed all the way?" I ask.

"The batter will be smooth, not chunky. Now keep stirring!" She laughs.

I chuckle as I continue to stir. "Yes ma'am!"

"Oh look at the two of you working together. So cute!"

Both Astrid and I look over to see her mom holding a try of baked goods by the double doors. The two of us blush as she smiles.

"Mom!" Astrid's cheeks deepen in color as she looks to her mother.

"Oh hush! I'm only making an observation." She smiles before exiting out the door.

I go back to my stirring and glance up to watch Astrid continue her work with heated cheeks. I smile and lift her head, making her look to me. Within seconds, I plant my lips on hers. I can feel her relax slowly as we kiss.

As I slowly pull away, I looks to her and smiles. "No need to get embarrassed by your mom."

She chuckles and continues her work. "Well, then I guess you also better get used to her comments. They are going to be happening quite a bit."

I smile proudly. "I wouldn't expect anything less from your mother."

We both laugh and continue with our work, her with her cookies and me with my brownies. Astrid continues to explain to me the proper times to cook certain brownies and how the difference in mixture can influence the taste. We continue to talk like that until Astrid mother calls me up to the front to help with customers.

Before leaving, I kiss Astrid quickly before heading up to the front and taking care of the next customer in line. Once all the customers have gotten their goodies, I decide to help out a bit more and wipe the tables.

As I walk back behind the counter, I hear Astrid's mother call my name. "Hiccup, can I talk to you for a moment?" She asks.

"Yeah, of course." I wipe my hands down and turn to her. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well, I heard that your dating my daughter now. Is that true?" She looks to me with a serious look.

I nod. "Yes ma'am. I am."

I see her smile a bit. "Wonderful to hear, but since you are, we have some things to talk about." I look to her a bit before she continues. "I'm sure you may already know what I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyways. If you dare hurt my daughter, I will have no choice but to harm you myself, even though she is able to do it herself. You now have to right to protect her and to keep her safe."

"Of course. I don't dare wish to harm Astrid ever. I care for her to much to bring her harm." I reassure her.

"I'm happy to hear that. But there's more to it than just that. There's a lot about our situation that you do not know, and Astrid won't tell you until she's ready. She can only trust a certain number of people. And you are one of them. Don't ever betray her trust." She looks to me with solid eyes, not letting anything disrupt her stare.

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