Getting To Know You Part 1

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

After helping Astrid out at the bakery, it was time for us to go on our date. While I stepped outside, Astrid heads upstairs to say goodbye to her mother. I sit on the bench in front of the store and play with my fingers.

I think back to the night I had planned for Astrid and I. A picnic at the cove followed by a sunset walk alone the beach. This will be the first time Astrid and I are hanging out without Heaven. Don't get me wrong, I love Heaven to death but it's hard to get to know someone when you have a 5 year old with you all the time.

I really want to get to know her better because I really like her. I wanna try to get to know her as best as I can before asking her to go steady. At least when it's just me and Astrid I don't have to act like a father all the time. I can be myself and show Astrid who I am......or was before I became a father. Heaven is the best thing that's happened to me, though I feel like it happened with the wrong person.

I hear the bakery door open and watch as Astrid steps outside. I turn my attention towards her and stand up."Ready to go?" I ask as I stick my arm for her to take.

"Yea." She nods as she takes me arm.

I take her over to my car and open the door for her. "Here you are."

She giggles slightly before getting in. "Thank you."

After she gets in, I shut her door and walk over to the drivers side. I get into the car and start the engine before pulling away from the curb and onto the road. I drive through town and into the woods away from the bust streets of Berk.

Astrid cocks her head to the side and looks at me. "Where are we going?" She asks.

"You'll find out when we get there." I smile over at her before pulling onto a dirt road that forks off from the highway.

Astrid looks at me curiously before speaking and changing the subject. "So, what happened between you and Merida anyways?"

"Well, I found Merida coming home early in the morning one day and I asked her where she was because she was gone all night. She told me she was out with some of her friends but I knew she was lying because I called each of them and they told me she wasn't there. So I asked her again where she was and she told me she was out with another guy. I got mad and we got into a fight. I lost all love for her that day once I found out she just married me for my money. All I could think about was Heaven and Toothless and how much I wanted her to get out of my life. She didn't even love Heaven, she just saw her as a pain."

She places a hand gently on mine in hopes to calm me down. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize...."

"It's alright, you didn't know. I would've told you sometime anyways." I look over to her for a few seconds before turning my attention back to the road. "So, when did your brother start dating Merida?"

"About 6 and a half months ago. My brother never mentioned anything about her being divorced or having a child. She never spoke of Heaven when she was around. My brother and her spent almost every minute together when he wasn't working. I never liked her, I always thought she was annoying and rude." She explains.

I chuckle. "Same here, don't even remembered why I married her in the first place."

"I don't even know what my brother sees in her." She laughs as I pull to a stop and park the car. She turns her head to me. "Where are we?"

"We are at our date." I get out and walk over to her side and open the door up for her. She get's out of the car and looks around.

"Our date is in the woods?" She asks.

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