Time to Ourselves

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**This chapter does contain mature content! There will be some sexual content but no sex! Read at your own risk!**

Astrid's P.O.V. 

At around 9 o'clock, Heaven started getting her tired look. Her yawns were big and the look on her face showed she was ready for bed. After turning off the T.V., Hiccup picked a sleepy Heaven up into his arms and carried her up to her room. I followed behind the two and opened up her bedroom door once we arrived. 

Hiccup carefully laid her down as I walked to her dresser and pulled out her favorite nightgown. It was a mixture of dark blue and purple with a picture of the black dragon on it from her favorite movie. Hiccup carefully removed Heaven's clothes as she grew even closer to falling asleep. From the looks of it, it looks as if she's already fallen asleep. Once all of her day clothes have been removed, I give Hiccup the nightgown before putting her dirty clothes into her pink laundry basket. 

After a couple of minutes, Hiccup has Heaven snuggled up underneath the blankets. She holds on tightly to her Stormfly plushie as Hiccup and I sit on either side of her. We both smile at her as she stares at us with her tired eyes. 

"Did you have a good day princess?" Hiccup asks, quietly. She nods slowly as a smile slowly forms on her lips. "I'm glad. Now get some rest. I'm sure you'll need all your energy for tomorrow." 

She nods one more time before pulling her dragon closer and snuggling under the covers. Hiccup smiles as he leans in and kisses her upon her head. 

"Goodnight princess," he whispers. 

"Goodnight daddy.." she mumbles with a smile. 

He smiles and gets up. As he walks past me, he places a kiss upon my head before whispering, "I'll see you in a minute." 

I give him a smile and nod before he walks out the door. My eyes linger on the doorway before turning towards Heaven, who snuggles even more into the blankets. With a smile, I tuck her even more under the covers before leaving my own kiss atop her forehead. 

"Goodnight sweetheart," I whisper. 

"Goodnight mommy," she mumbles before releasing a giant yawn. 

I giggle quietly before placing another kiss on her forehead. Before leaving, I turn on her tiara night light along with her noise machine. We've noticed ever since Hiccup's accident, she's been having a hard time sleeping. She would always get nightmares and would come running into our room with tears. We've talked with a collection of people and done some research. Most of them suggested a sound machine. Ever since we got it for her, she's been sleeping through the entire night. And of course, for extra protection, we let Toothless sleep with her. 

When I reach the door, I open it up wider to let Toothless trot inside. My guess is Hiccup just let him back inside for the last time tonight. Toothless trots inside and heads straight to the foot of Heaven's bed. He jumps up and lays down at her feet before resting his head on his front paws. I give him a smile before stepping out and closing the door. 

When I walk into Hiccup and I's bedroom, I see that Hiccup is nowhere to be seen. He must be in the restroom. I close our door before walking towards the dresser to grab some PJs. After grabbing my pajamas, I walk into the closet and quickly change, leaving my dirty clothes in the hamper. 

After I'm done changing, I walk out of the closet to see Hiccup walking out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist. The sight alone makes me blush like crazy. I've seen this many times before but I still can't get over the fact of how hot he is. This is the closest I've been to seeing him naked and I won't lie when saying I'm interested to see how he looks without it. With my eyes focused on his bare chest, I don't notice him taking a few steps forward.

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