A Visit to The Studio

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Babe?" I ask. I'm currently speaking with Hiccup over the phone. He called me so I could talk to Heaven. They happened to have a terrible incident today while at the store. I feel so bad for Heaven. She didn't deserve to go through what she did. 

"Yes, M'lady?"

"Is it possible for you to bring Heaven here for a little bit? I know she doesn't have class today, but I think she would enjoy spending some time here," I tell him, wanting to see Heaven and give her a hug. 

"Yeah, I can do that, M'lady. I'll bring her by once we're done at the store," he answers. 

I smile, "Thank you." 

Before I have a chance to say anything else, I hear a knock. Looking to the door to my classroom, I see Rapunzel leaning against the frame with a slight smile on her face. 

"Astrid," she says, tapping her blank wrist. 

I nod to her before returning to my call. "I have to go back to work. Kids are about to start arriving for class." 

"Alright, I'll let you know when we're on our way," he tells me. 

"Okay, thank you. Drive safe!" I say, praying nothing happens to him on their journey here. 

Ever since he had that accident, I've been worried whenever he gets into a car. I know he is a perfectly safe driver, but I can't help but think there will be another accident. The person who hit him in the first place was drunk. They hit his car head-on and almost killed him. I'm terrified that will happen again, and this time, he won't make it. I can't imagine losing him. He's become the most important person in my life. 

"I will. I love you." I smile as his words warm my heart. 

"I love you too," I tell him before ending the call. I sigh with a slight smile as I set the phone down. 

"So, I'm guessing that was either Hiccup or your mother. Which was it?" Rapunzel asks as she walks into the room. She sits across from me in one of the chairs in front of my desk. I give her a small smile as I lean back in my chair. 

"It was Hiccup," I say, "He called so Heaven could talk to me. Apparently, something happened while they were at the store and it put a lot of doubt in Heaven's mind. According to Hiccup, she needed a love that only I could give her." 

"A love that only you could give her? You mean like a mother's love?" She asks. 

I nod, thinking back to what Hiccup said earlier. "Yeah," I answer, "From what I could gather from Hiccup, they ran into Merida. I'm guessing whatever was said between them made Heaven feel like her mother doesn't love her."

"Aww, poor Heaven," Raps pouts, "So I'm assuming that you were reminding Heaven of all the love she received from everyone?" 

"Yeah, I even asked Hiccup to bring her here when they were done. I figured she could spend some time with us and have some fun," I explain. 

"Oh! Yes, please! I would love to spend some time with her! She's so adorable!" Rapunzel squeals, bouncing in her seat. 

I chuckle, "I'm sure she would love to spend some time with you too." 

"Good! Now, I have a question for you," she says turning serious. I tilt my head and raise my eyebrow in confusion, waiting for her to proceed. "I know you and Hiccup have been dating for quite a while now, but I'm curious about something. I know that you two are practically living together and that you've basically become Heaven's mother. I was wondering, do you actually feel like you guys are a family?" 

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