Starting to Dance

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Astrid's P.O.V.

When Hiccup pulls up to the dance studio, I say goodbye to my mother and Heaven. Hiccup walks around the car after parking it to open my door and help me out. I get out with his help before hugging him and planting a kiss on his lips.

I smile as I feel him kiss back and wrap his arms around me. After a few moments, we both pull away and look to each other.

"I'll see you later?" I ask with a smile.

He nods with a grin. "Yes you will."

"Good." I give him one more kiss before pulling away and grabbing my bag. I say one more goodbye to Heaven and my mother before heading toward the front door.

I wave to Rita, the receptionist behind the desk, and make my way toward my classroom. Not many people are here right now and classes don't start until 10 am. I take the hour that I have to clean up my room a bit as well as work on some paperwork.

"You're here early."

I look up to see a girl with long blonde hair braided up with flowers filling it up. She leans against the door with her arms folded and a smile on her face. Today she wears black leggings and a over the shoulder purple shirt that says 'Best Day Ever'. She wears a simple pair of flats that she'll be able to take off as soon as her own classes begin.

I look to her with a smile and lean back in my chair. "Well good morning Raps. I'm not exactly early. I'm always here around this time."

"Really? The last time I checked you always came in a half hour before your classes begin." She grins as she stands up and walks over to my small desk. "So, something must have changed with you if you're here this early."

"And what exactly do you think has changed?" I ask with a smile.

She plants her hands on my desk and looks to me before speaking. "You either have some issues going on at home, or you found someone you really like!" She giggles. "Which is it?"

I giggle a bit as a blush slowly creeps onto my cheeks. Leave it up to Rapunzel to figure out what's been going on in my life. She's always been a curious person, ever since I met her when I first started this job. She's become a close friend of mine and I can't help but enjoy her excitement. She knows about my mother being sick as well as my lack of relationships throughout the years. I've only been on a few dates after I started this job and before I met Hiccup. So she always seems to know when something major happens in my life.

I look to her with a smile before answering. "I met someone."

"Really?!" She smiles excitedly and squeals. "Yes! This is amazing!! Who is it?"

"It's someone I've been talking too for the past couple of months." I smile and glance down at the picture Hiccup gave me a few weeks ago of the two of us with his daughter.

When I look back up again, Rapunzel's eyes are wide and her mouth hangs pretty close to the desk. "You've been talking to someone and you didn't tell me?!"

I can tell by the look on her face and the sound of her voice that she didn't see this coming. I can't help but giggle a bit as she stares at me with utter disbelief. To be honest, I haven't told a lot of people about me talking with Hiccup. Very few people knew that we talked or had an idea about it. Besides my mother, only a few people at the dance studio knew. Sadly, Rapunzel was not one of those people.

"I'm sorry! I was enjoying my time with him and I didn't want to jinx anything." I explain.

She looks to me with less disbelief and more determination. "You have a lot of explaining to do. I want to know everything! When did you meet him? How long have you been talking? How are things going between you two? Are you actually dating now?"

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