What's in the Box?

373 11 16

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of delicious baked goods coming from the kitchen. I slowly open my eyes and look in that direction before sitting up and giving myself a nice needed stretch. As soon as I stand up, I feel myself fall backward again. I furrow my eyebrows and look down at my legs to see one of them missing. I widen my eyes for a second before all memories start flooding back into my brain.

That's right... I lost my leg. How can I forget that?

After staring at my legs for a couple of minutes, I look back up toward the door to the kitchen. My nostrils fill up with the amazing smell of my favorite lemon bars. I smile and practically drool at the aroma filling my nose. I close my eyes again to take in the wonderful scent as I hear soft footsteps coming my way.

I open my eyes again to see Astrid walk into the living room with an apron on and her hair up in a messy bun. She wears a simple apron covered in flour over her beautifully casual outfit. I smile up at her as she wipes her hands on her apron and looks over at me. She smiles before walking over and leaning down to plant a kiss on my lips.

I smile and return the kiss happily. "Hello, M'lady."

"Hello, sleepyhead. Did you sleep well?" She asks, taking a seat next to me.

I nod and wrap an arm around her, pulling her close. "Yes, I did. Though, I'm sure I would've slept better with you by my side." She giggles and snuggles against me, "So, what were you making m'lady?" I ask, gesturing to her flour-covered apron.

She looks down at it with a smile before looking back at me. "Lemon bars, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"Yes! I thought so! I just wanted you to confirm." I grin excitedly.

She chuckles as she leans back against me, "You'll get a slice later. They still need to cool."

"Damn.." I chuckle a bit and kiss her upon the forehead. "Alright, in the meantime, what should we do?" I ask.

I rub her shoulder as she thinks for a moment and looks down at her attire. "I think I'm going to take a shower."

I pout and pull her close. "Aww! But I want some time with my m'lady!" I whine.

"I need to bathe! I have flour all over me, and it's starting to get all over you too!" She laughs.

"I don't care!" I grin and pull her closer, kissing her head and lowering my head to the crook of her neck.

She giggles a little bit when I do before pulling away slightly. "Alright, we'll cuddle when I return. Just let me shower quickly."

I sigh and look at her. "Do I have to?"

She nods, "Yes, you have to."

I groan and let go of her, "Fine..."

She laughs and gets up, planting a kiss on my cheek before heading off upstairs. I smile a bit and watch as she disappears from my sight.

~~That Night~~

Astrid's P.O.V.

After a wonderful evening with my boyfriend, I help him upstairs to his, or should I say our, bedroom. Since we will be sleeping with each other since I'm here, it's probably best to call the room both of ours.

Anyways, after helping Hiccup up the steps with his prosthetic leg, I guide him to our bedroom and help him sit upon the bed. Once he sits down, he pulls me down a bit and kisses me gently on the lips before thanking me. I smile softly and return the kiss before letting go and walking over to his dresser to pull out a pair of boxers and some pajama pants.

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